Thursday, June 2, 2011

Report on Solar electric production

From Harvey Paige

Harvey Paige's solar array sits in his backyard facing south to best capture the sun's rays.

At a recent solar pancake breakfast, Harvey (right) gave Neenah Ellis (left) and Pat Murphy the grand tour.

For the month of May, our solar array produced a total of 349 kWh of electricity. May 5 was the most productive day (21.6 kWh) and the lowest production was on May 17, with only 2.8 kWh. Not bad with the dark clouds and rain we had so much of the month. Three hundred and forty nine kilowatt hours is enough to keep a toaster oven glowing or microwave oven running for about 200 hours. More importantly, it is more energy than we use. And there is no carbon dioxide produced after manufacture! If you wish to track the progress of the solar collection, look at the website:

Photos by Virgil Hervey

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