Six Yellow Springs teenagers arrested for stealing traffic flares from the school bus barn and throwing a lit one into a YSHS track coach's house were allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanor charges in Mayor's Court and avoid jail time, WHIO-TV reported yesterday.
WHIO-TV: Yellow Springs Teens Sentenced In Break-In
Xenia Daily Gazette: 5 charged in flare incident
The teens all apologized in court to the victim and his wife. One even said it shouldn't have happened to anyone as kind and supportive as the couple.
Implying that uncaring and surly people's home can be torched?????
I HEARD on the news that they had to pay a hefty fine, but knowing the parents here in town, Mommy and Daddy paid it for them. Someday they have to be in the REAL WORLD, folks and do REAL PAYBACK when they do stuff like this....if they are smart, they have FINALLY learned their lesson. I hope so, but I'm still afraid one or so have not...they've had it TOO easy here.
The kid it should not have happened to ANYBODY, particularly not these two people since they were so kind. It was an attempt to apologize more, not a differentiation between people.
The story in the paper and courtroom do not match completely with the events. The bulk of the kids were not at the house but left before the tossing of the flare, knowing it was not a good thing to do. Unfortunately, with incomplete information available, everyone gets tarred by the same brush but only one of them planned and executed the idiotic act.
That says it all, which is why an article in the paper would have been nice. My only other source was Channel 7 News...And YES, those nice people did NOT deserve this.
As outraged as we might be when we hear about something like this, this was probably the best way to handle it. If you send a kid to state prison for stupidity, you're just likely to turnout a hardened criminal. The Peters deserve a lot of credit for their cool heads.
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