Winter 2010 Workshops & Classes!
What a great way to warm up the winter months! We have a full schedule of dance and theatre classes, a new choral singing program, and Saturday workshops for middle and high school students. Each class builds skill, stimulates the creative, and has a capstone presentation for the community. Classes are held at the Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Avenue in Yellow Springs unless otherwise specified. There are no classes during the week of March 29 - April 4. See below for special discounts!
Classes for Middle and High School
Join one or all of these half-day Saturday workshops with area performance professionals.
Fee: $25 per workshop.
Pre-registration group rate for student groups: Seven to ten students $15/student, Eleven or more: $10/student
Special Sessions! The Musical
Theater Audition With Jeffrey Murphy
Get ready to try out for your spring musical! Bring monologue, comfortable footwear, and short vocal piece. Jeff Murphy, with 20+ years of musical theatre experience, has coached such legends as Natalie Portman and Zach Braf. Don't miss your chance to work with this amazing professional.
Choose one of the following Saturday sessions from
1:30 - 4:30pm: January 16 OR January 30. Class size limited.
Building A Character with Kay Bosse
A true actor uses many tricks to bring a character to life on stage. Explore the techniques and trade of character development to improve your acting skills for your spring musical and other roles. Don't imitate-Create!
Saturday, February 13, 1:30 - 4:30pm.
Exploring Technical Theatre with Dan Hunt
How did they do that? Explore the backstage technology of the Kuss Auditorium in Springfield. From the single purchase fly system to the 600-plus theatrical lights. The Kuss Auditorium is a state of the art theatre that holds all your answers. Don't miss this chance to play in this exciting theatre and take back ideas for your high school productions.
Saturday, February 20th, 1:30 - 4:30 pm at
Clark State Community College
Speaking Shakespeare with Louise Smith
What does all that strange language mean anyway? Where are the stage directions? How can anybody understand what I'm saying? How do I really mean what I'm saying? Who are these characters? Make your literature class readings and Shakespeare roles come alive!
Saturday, February 27th, 1:30 - 4:30pm
DanceWorks: Modern and Jazz Dance Combo
Based in technique and artistry, includes modern
and jazz dance forms. This energetic class builds the body's movement vocabulary, musicality, balance, and athleticism. In class music Broadway to Indy favorites! All levels of experience welcome.
Class meets weekly for an hour. Fourteen weeks.
Day and time TBD based on participant availability.
Fee: $150 or $50 monthly.
Pre-school and Elementary Classes
Fourteen sessions include performance May 7th.
NEW! Choral Singing with James Johnston
Join James Johnston, former choral director at Antioch College as YSKP starts the children's community chorus group. Learn basic singing technique and working as an ensemble.
Mondays, 3:30 - 4:30pm. Starts Feb 1st. Fee: $150 or $50 monthly. Grades 1 - 5.
Creative Movement with Jill Becker
Explore movement using songs, finger play, stories and playful images of animals and adventures! Youth will learn early dance concepts and how to work in groups. Explorations are based in rhythm and musicality.
Ages 3 - 4. (by October 1st.) Fridays, 10:00 - 10:30am, Fee $120 or $40 monthly.
Ages 4 - 5. Saturdays, 11:00 - 11:45am.
Fee $135 or $45 monthly. Starts Feb 5 and Feb 6.
NEW! Early Elementary Theatre
An introductory experience in movement, vocalizing for the stage, and fun characterizations of your favorite animals and characters in books.
Grades K - 2. Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:00am.
Starts Feb 6.
Fee $150 or $50 monthly.
Beginning Dance with Jill Becker
A healthy, lighthearted dance class! Learn the fundamentals of ballet and modern dance techniques while increasing confidence, co-ordination and musicality. Using natural creativity, youth will be guided in the creation of their own dances.
Grades 1 - 3. Wednesdays,
3:30 - 4:30pm OR Saturdays, 12:00 - 1:00pm.
Starts Feb 3 and Feb 6.
Fee: $150 or $50 monthly.
Dance I with Jill Becker
Learn ballet and modern dance fundamentals while enjoying the pleasure of moving through space as individuals and as an ensemble. Children will use their creativity to develop a dance piece.
Grades 4 - 6. Wednesdays, 4:45 - 5:45pm.
Starts Feb 3.
Fee: $150 or $50 monthly.
Special Session! Hip Hop/Jazz
Dance with Melissa Heston
Learn the basics to create your own slammin' grooves!
Grades 2 - 6. Mondays, 4:45 - 5:45pm.
Three weeks. February 1 - 15.
Fee: $45
New Actors Club
with Miriam Shaw
Muses and Mirrors! Mystery and Magic! Develop your own themes through creative imagination and improvisation exercises. Develop stage voice, creative movement and acting fundamentals and acting techniques such as the Adler method.
Grades 3 - 6. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 - 5:00pm. Starts Feb 16. Ten sessions include end class performance, March 18.
Fee: $125
Adult Class Dance Series offered by Jill Becker
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
(please contact jillbecker1@gmail.com or call 767-2646 for registration/information)
Register Now!
Information and updates about new classes can be found at www.yskp.org. Call or email Kim Kremer to register for classes, 937-767-2259 or admin@yskp.org. Enroll in more than one class for an additional $10 of the total registration. Enroll with four additional friends to receive an additional $5 per person discount. Some classes are space limited. Early registration and class fee payment prior to the start of classes ensures your enrollment. Payment can be made by check sent to YSKP, PO Box 478, Yellow Springs, OH, 45387 or on-line at www.yskp.org.
YSKP offers partial scholarships to qualified families. For more info call Kim Kremer at 937-767-2259, or admin@yskp.org.
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