Friday, October 2
- 8am- 5:00pm Registration
- 8am-noon Optional activities for early arrivals (Registration Required)
- 8am Birding with Nick Boutis in Glen Helen
- 11am Gallery opening (Antiochiana in Herndon Gallery) Reading Bob Fogarty Antioch Review
- 9,10,11 am Campus tours
- 1:00 PM Alumni Award Winners Presentation Herndon Gallery (open)
- Arthur Morgan Award: 1 - 1:45PM (open)
- J.D. Dawson Award: 2-2:45PM (open)
- 3:00 PM State of the College Address large tent (open)
- 3 – 3:15pm Welcome Nancy Crow, President ACAA
- 3:15 – 3:45pm State of the College Address Matthew Allen Derr, Chief Transition Officer
- 3:45 – 4:00pm Introduction of the Board of Trustees Pro Tempore for Antioch College
- 4 – 5:00pm Break out to groups for Q&A
- 5:15pm Cocktail hour and Silent Auction small tent (registration required)
- 6:15pm Appreciation Dinner Begins large tent (registration required)
- 6:45pm Victory for Humanity Award Presentation (Lee Morgan ‘66, Chair BPT)
- 7:15 – 8:45pm Live Auction Kristen Pett ’90
- 8:45pm Closing Remarks, Matthew Derr ‘89, CTA Lighting of the Main Building (open)
- 9:00pm Folk Dancing w/ DJ Clean Gene Lohman ‘71 Div Dance with DJ Dr. Falafel aka Shane Creepingbear ’08 Alumni DJ’s spin tunes for your dancing pleasure. (cash bar) (open)

Saturday, October 3
- 8am-Noon Registration
- 8:30am Naming Ceremony – Horseshoe (open)
- 9- 10:45am: Award Winners Presentation Herndon Gallery (open)
- Horace Mann Award: 9 - 9:45AM (open)
- Rebecca Rice Award: 10-10:45AM (open)
- 11:00am Plaque Unveiling in honor of Nonstop Antioch (open)
- Naming Ceremony – Horseshoe Matthew Derr ‘89, CTO
- 11:15-Noon Antioch Alumni Association Annual Meeting Large Tent (Registration Required)
- 12:30pm Giving Society Luncheon (by invitation)
- 3:00pm Naming Ceremony – Gathering Space (open)
- 4:30 pm Decade Receptions Celebrate and reunite with your cohort (Registration Required)
- 40’s, 50’s, 60’s: Gathering Space
- 70’s, 80’s: Herndon Gallery
- ‘90s, 2000s: Spalt lower level
- Class of 1959: President’s House
- 6:30-10:00pm Celebration Dinner Large Tent The highlight of Reunion. Join us as we honor our anniversary classes; thank our dedicated alumni volunteers and Celebrate Independent Antioch. Live music and dancing to follow. (Registration Required)
- 9-11:00 am Farewell Brunch Large Tent (Registration Required)
- 10:30am-Noon Memorial for Antiochians & Friends Herndon Gallery Al Denman (open)

Not able to be at Reunion '09? Catch parts of it live at www.antiochcollege.org/media
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