Sunday, October 10, 2010

Community Foundation to meet with nonprofits, Tuesday

YSCF, Antioch College and local nonprofits to discuss student fellowships

The Yellow Springs Community Foundation (YSCF) will hold a meeting on October 12, 2010, to announce details of its new Miller Fellowship Program. The Miller Fellowship Program is funded by the Nolan J. and Richard D. Miller Endowment Fund, established earlier this year through a bequest. Nolan Miller (d. 2006) was Associate Editor of The Antioch Review, a noted writing teacher and a beloved Antioch College professor. His brother, Richard (d. 2007), was a highly regarded artist working in many different media. The purpose of this fund is to support Fellowships for Antioch College students who engage in service for the benefit of the Yellow Springs community. The Foundation plans to award grants to local nonprofits who would then hire Antioch College students directly. Under the terms of the bequest, some priority will be given to those nonprofits serving the needs of the elderly in Yellow Springs. Other public service institutions will also be supported, in keeping with the basic premise of the endowment that it is meet to foster mutual respect between the Antioch College community and Yellow Springs. The Foundation is working closely with the College to structure the program so that it meets the goals of the donors, as well as the education goals of the new curriculum.

This program is complementary to the new Antioch College curriculum, which will stress community service, along with its historic co-op program. The Foundation anticipates that funding will be available for approximately 10 Miller Fellows in the 2011-2012 academic year.

Local nonprofits will be invited to submit proposals for one or more Fellowships. In order for students to be eligible for College credit, the nonprofit’s plan for using these Fellowships will also need to be approved by the Antioch College Director of Work. Representatives from Antioch College as well as the Yellow Springs Community Foundation will be present at the October 12 meeting to answer questions. The informational meeting will be held Tuesday, October 12 at noon in the Great Room of the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Organizations unable to attend the meeting are still welcome to submit proposals. Lunch will be provided, courtesy of the Morgan Family Foundation, for those who indicate their intention to attend, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. RSVPs should be directed to the Yellow Springs Community Foundation at

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