Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bench to Nowhere: Poll closed - "no one" wins
Poll results: On the question, "Who should be immune from the barbs of the Blog's chief cartoonist?" of 35 votes cast, 31 said that no one should be immune; none said that Village Council, the School Board or the Chamber of Commerce should be immune; and, remarkably, four said that lawn care experts should be immune. Hmmm...
AC3 - AU sign agreement for purchase of Antioch College
"The target date to implement the full agreement – an asset purchase agreement (APA) -- is August 31. The transfer of assets cannot occur until a list of conditions have been met, including required reviews and approvals from external agencies such as the Attorney General for the State of Ohio and representatives of the University’s bond holders. The boards and their representatives will collaborate to expedite this process. When the conditions have been met, Antioch University will transfer to the Antioch College Continuation Corporation assets associated with the historic College including its endowment, campus and the Glen Helen nature preserve. The consideration for the transfer of assets is $ 6,080,000," the release said in part.
According to the release, AC3 anticipates two years of work before it can begin to accept students.
Click here to read the GLCA Press Release
University and AC3 expected to sign today
Stay tuned. The Blog will have the news of the signing as soon as it comes in.
OK... Now Yellow Springs is really getting weird
Michael Jackson - Music Videos
Friday, July 3, 2009
Approx. 1 hr. 45 min. Not rated.
- Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
- Billie Jean
- Beat It
- Thriller - Full-length short film by John Landis
- Bad - Full-length short film by Martin Scorsese
- The Way You Make Me Feel - Original, uncut video
- Smooth Criminal - Full-length short film from Moonwalker
- Leave Me Alone
- Black or White - Original, uncut and uncensored video by John Landis
- Remember the Time
- Scream - Directed by Mark Romanek
- They Don't Care About Us - Directed by Spike Lee
- You Rock My World - Full-length video
Monday, June 29, 2009
Opinion: Urging Wintrow to run again
Karen Wintrow is probably the most dedicated and hard working person on behalf of the village there currently is. Just one example of the competence she brings to everything she does for Yellow Springs is the way she organized the recent Spring Street Fair, which was not only the biggest and best yet, but also the most logistically challenging. She puts the same kind of effort and dedication into her role on Village Council. So, I was disappointed when I read in the News this week that Wintrow is not yet committed to running this fall for a second council term.
I can understand that with her two demanding positions as Chamber Coordinator and Village Council Member she must be stretched to the limits (She is also a wife and mother.). But in a conversation during a chance meeting in town recently, I urged her to run for reelection. With her common sense, pragmatic and business oriented approach to carving a direction for this town, she provides a balance that is needed on council. Her collaboration on behalf of the Chamber with Kids Playhouse, the Arts Council and other arts groups around town in promoting Yellow Springs is an outstanding example of how she has the eagerness and ability to forge a coalition that recognizes that in this village art and commerce are often one.
It would be a mistake for anyone, no matter what their vision for the future of this town might be, to think that the best way to govern this village is with an unfettered council that is entirely of one mind on virtually every issue from the day-one drop of the gavel. Wintrow and Kathryn Van der Heiden, who, the News reported, is also undecided about a second council term, have been providing that balance on the current council. It would be a shame to lose either one of them. But I am singling out Wintrow here, because of the way she has brought a diverse Chamber membership together to promote Yellow Springs as a destination. She brings that same consensus building ability to her seat on Council.
So, if you see Karen on the street, please thank her for all she does for this village and tell her we need her on council for another four years.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Pottery Exhibition: Wood Fired by Naysan McIlhargey
(Corrected on 7/1/09 to change the link to the Miami Valley Pottery Website to www.mvpottery.com)

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sprightly seniors celebrate 50th
The Senior Citizens celebrated 50 years of service to Yellow Springs by throwing a party/talent show for the village last night. Calling it a "showcase of elder talent" belied the youthful energy that went into every aspect of the production, especially the performances.

Friday, June 26, 2009
Blog mentioned in Xenia Gazette
Read the article online: Journalism in YSO - 21st century style
Thursday, June 25, 2009
GCPL grateful for public response to library crisis
We asked for your help and you overwhelmingly delivered. Thanks to you, the Library's voice is being heard!
We recently contacted you about Ohio’s library funding crisis and Gov. Strickland's proposal to cut library funding. In these troubled times, Ohio's libraries stand ready to take our fair share of cuts, but the Governor's proposal would devastate our library system here at home, and throughout the state.
Our local legislators are wonderfully supportive of libraries, and they've taken your voice straight to the Governor. We are not out of trouble yet, but thanks to you and our local legislators our concerns have been heard at the highest levels. We were originally told that the deadline would be July 1st, but the legislature may delay this by several weeks. We thank you for expressing your love for Ohio's libraries, and our legislators for their support -- we are so grateful for this help from the community we serve.
We will keep you posted on developments on our website: http://www.greenelibrary.info?utm_source=GCPL+Patrons&utm_campaign=6636e00f59-Thank_You_0625096_25_2009&utm_medium=email for continuing updates on this situation and thank you again for your incredible support.
Karl Colón, Director
Greene County Public Library
Doesn’t anyone want to be alone anymore?
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, these are the ones that are hot now. Before them there were Ringo and Multiply. There are plenty more I don't remember or don't know about. And sites that were created for more limited purposes, such as Yahoo Instant Messenger, auction sites, blog providers, are subtly, but surely, being converted to look more like their social networking peers. One of the local news channels will be airing a report on the evening news about how texting has contributed to a rise in automobile accidents. New elbow and shoulder injuries are popping up due to excessive cell phone use. Have we lost our minds? Doesn't anyone crave just one moment of solace anymore?
I know what you're thinking. Isn't Hervey just as guilty as the rest by virtue of maintaining the Blog and by his very posting of this message? Actually, I think you have hit on something.
If I were writing this for publication in a traditional print newspaper, I doubt that anyone would confuse what I was doing with social networking in the modern sense (although an argument could be made for that). So what is the difference when I write it for a blog? The answer is interactivity. When media becomes interactive, it invites participation. This is probably what has set the Yellow Springs News apart from other print newspapers for many years. Even though it is a hard-copy news source that comes out only once a week, it invites, and gets, reader participation with its community forum (formerly known as letters to the editor). The News, it seems, invented social networking long before the Internet.
Look at any of the online news outlets that allow for reader comments. The inevitable responses to even the most innocuous of stories are mind-boggling. Those posting comments frequently address one another argumentatively. I guess that while I am lamenting the loss of anonymity, privacy, and civility that has come with our ubiquitous electronic media, I have to admit that I am doing my share of enabling. I have to add here that I am extremely grateful for the way the Blog's readers have been respectful of the fact that I have chosen not to moderate reader comments and allow anonymous posting.
It's hard to escape it. Every time I open my Yahoo email, I am greeted with the gleeful announcement that those in my address book with Yahoo accounts can now tell that I am online and we are free to send each other instant messages. I constantly get email messages from people I barely know, asking me to be their friend on sites I have never heard of. Do they really want to be my friend? Or did some piece of software somewhere out in the ether go through their email addresses and decide to buddy them up with every name it found. How should I respond? I don't want to seem unfriendly. If I should forget to shut down Skype after Amy has been talking to her sister in Malaysia, I might later return to the computer to find instant messages from women I do not know, who want me to view them live on x-rated websites. Is this stuff permanently stored on my hard drive, I wonder. What if the FBI were to find this..? How would I explain?
What if I want to be an old poop and not network? What if I long to be a Garbo? Being a luddite (a nod to Ralph Keyes here) is probably the only answer. Call it the firewall of ludditism, if you will. Shut off your cell phone; turn off your computer; lock yourself in a room with no TV (Yes, even they have gotten into the interactive act, encouraging readers to report news and send photos and videos via their websites.) and just be alone. It could be very refreshing.
4th of July and surrounding events
This is what it looks like:
Here are a few projects regarding a great small town.
- The July 4th Weekend YSO Music & Events 2009, July 2 through July 10
- HTML Version - PDF Version - Some photos of the YSO Bicentennial (July, 2003)
- The YSO 4th of July townie jam, 2000 (the first one)
- Yellow Springs and The Arts
- Yellow Springs History over the 200 years as reported by the Yellow Springs News:
- 1803 to 1853
- 1853 to 1868
- 1868 to 1883
- 1883 to 1898
- 1898 to 1913
- 1913 to 1928
- 1928 to 1943
- 1943 to 1958
- 1958 to 1973
- 1973 to 1988 (the missing installment!)
- 1988 to 2003
Blog has record day - over 200 hits!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Have you seen this bird?

Lucy Lee-Hervey - missing since 11:30 a.m., June 24, 2009
Age: 2 years
Hgt.: 8 inches (including tail)
Wt.: 3 ounces
Answers to the names Lucy and Good Girl Lucy.
Last seen in the vicinity of Allen Street and Xenia Avenue.
If you see her, please call 212-3991 immediately.
Do not try to apprehend on your own.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
4th of July Parade safe for another year
The parade will start forming up in the parking lot at Wright State Physicians, across from Friends Care, at 2:00 p.m. and will step off at 3:00. It will end up at the Bryan Center. Anyone can join in.
For more information, call Mike Triplett at 767-4341.
Antioch Writers' Workshop Announces Open-To-Public Events
Saturday, July 11, 7:00 p.m.—Keynote address by Zakes Mda, a South African novelist, playwright and painter, now based at Ohio University where he teaches creative writing. He is the author of seven novels and more than 20 stage plays, which have been translated into 19 languages. His novel The Heart of Redness (2000) won the Commonwealth Writers Prize: Africa and the Sunday Times Fiction Award.
Readings by 2009 AWW Faculty Members:
Sunday, July 12, 7:00 p.m.—Carrie Bebris, Joyce Dyer, Rebecca McClanahan.
Monday, July 13, 7:00 p.m.—Nahid Rachlin, Ed Davis, Mary Grimm
Tuesday, July 14, 7:00 p.m.—Ralph Keyes, John Drury, Zakes Mda
Thursday, July 16, 7:00 p.m.—Nancy Pinard, Randy McNutt, Crystal Wilkinson
Friday, July 17, 7:00 p.m.— Readings by selected AWW participants
All events are held at Antioch University McGregor in the National City Auditorium.
The Antioch Writers' Workshop is presented in partnership with Antioch University McGregor and is funded by a grant from the Ohio Arts Council.
Contact: Sharon Short
Telephone (937) 475-7357
E-mail: info@antiochwritersworkshop.com
Web: www.antiochwritersworkshop.com
WYSO looking for volunteers - perks included
and we need your help.
Summer Event Schedule
Check out all the events that we'll be at this Summer!
We need volunteers to be at our booth & you'll get to see & hear
some great music!
Cityfolk Festival, Saturday, July 4th, Noon - 5 PM
We need help at our booth.
Irish Fest, Springfield Summer Arts Festival, Saturday,
July 11th
We need help at our booth from 5 PM to ?
Dark Star Orchestra, Summer Arts Festival, Saturday,
July 11th
We need help at our booth from 6-9 PM
Rehearsal for call-in show for the Mortgage Crisis Project, Wednesday, July 15th.
We'll schedule a meeting during business hours.
Lyle Lovett at the Fraze, Thursday, July 16th, 6-8 PM
We need help at our Party on the Patio & at our booth. Plus, we'll give you a pair of tickets to the show!
Mortgage Crisis call-in show, Thursday July 16th, 7 - 8 PM We need volunteers to answer the phones during an in-studio call-in show with guests.
Mortgage Crisis call-in show, Thursday July 23rd, 7 - 8 PM
We need volunteers to answer the phones during an in-studio call-in show with guests.
Celtic Fest, Downtown Dayton, Saturday, July 25th, 11 - 5PM
We need help at our booth.
Mortgage Crisis call-in show, Thursday July 30th, 7 - 8
We need volunteers to answer the phones during an in-studio call-in show with guests.
Joan Baez at the Fraze, Tuesday, August 4th, 6-8 PM
We need help at our Party on the Patio & at our booth. Plus, we'll give you a pair of tickets to the show!
WYSO SUMMER CONCERT, Sunday, August 16th, 5:30 - ? We'll need help at our booth & who knows what else!
Please let me know if you are available to
help at any of these events.
You can email me at jmayer@wyso.org or call me at 769-1388.
Jacki Mayer
An easier way to contact your legislators about library funding
On Friday, Governor Strickland proposed a 30% cut in library funding, which, coupled with the 20% reduction in revenue that libraries are already experiencing, amounts to a 50% cut in funding for libraries! Public libraries will close or will drastically cut hours and services.
The legislature must decide whether to include this proposal in the budget that they will vote on within the next few days. Please contact your state representatives and senators and urge them not to let this proposal be part of the state's budget!
Click here to contact them easily: Email your legislators
On behalf of the entire Greene County Public Library family, thank you so much for your help and support.
Carol Graff, President
Greene County Public Library Board of Trustees
Karl Colón, Director
Greene County Public Library
Related post: Ohio Library Funding Emergency
Monday, June 22, 2009
Villager's Obama Site is a success
http://www.obamachronicles.org/, is attracting a great deal of attention on the Net.
"We put this up inauguration day. It is becoming rather successful in that a lot of people follow it," Cornett wrote in an email. "There are almost 12,000 articles and well over a thousand followers on twitter, and again on facebook."
A visit to the site revealed a really slick-looking page, with links to a mind-boggling array of resources.
Villager crashes plane in Urbana
Springfield News-Sun: Troopers investigating second plane crash in two days
Back from Seattle & Vancouver
We are back from a six day trip to Seattle and Vancouver. We spent two days in Seattle, sightseeing and spending quality time with my son and daughter. Then we took a train to Vancouver where we spent three days, including a side trip to Victoria. Then it was back to Seattle for one more night with my kids. Highlights were the train ride north and the ferry trip to Victoria.
I have posted just a few of my 400 photos from the trip on The Chronicles of Kresge.
Antioch University McGregor Commencement Features Sandra Cheldelin, Ph.D.
Addressing the graduates is Sandra Cheldelin, Ph.D., the Vernon M. and Minnie I. Lynch Professor of Conflict Resolution at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) at George Mason University, located in the heart of northern Virginia’s technology corridor near Washington, D.C.
Cheldelin is a licensed psychologist and an expert in organizational conflict. She has worked with over 170 organizations including colleges, universities, medical schools, treatment facilities, corporations, associations, religious institutions and community organizations. She has been keynote speaker and invited lecturer on workplace issues of violence, change, race, gender religion and ethnicity. She has led significant project in the former Soviet republics – Ukraine, Georgia and Tajikistan. Her most recent projects deal with post-war trauma in Liberia and the reintegration of female child soldiers in Sri Lanka (pending).
Dr. Cheldelin has held faculty appointments with each of her administrative positions at several colleges and universities including serving Provost at Antioch University McGregor (1990-1996), Academic Dean at the California School of Professional Psychology (Berkeley campus), and Director of Educational Development at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has been at ICAR since 1996 and served as Director for nearly three years beginning in 1999.
She is author of many articles and chapters including co-author (with Ann Lucas) of Conflict Resolution (Jossey Bass, 2004) and co-editor (with Daniel Druckman and Larissa Fast) of Conflict: From Analysis to Intervention (Continuum, 2003; 2nd edition 2008). She is co-editing a book on cases of women’s agency during and post war (forthcoming in 2010). She serves on a variety of conflict resolution related boards.
Antioch University McGregor is delighted that Dr. Cheldelin is returning to address old friends and new alumni.
Antioch University McGregor is one of Antioch University’s six campuses located in four states. Founded on principles of rigorous liberal arts education, innovative experiential learning and socially engaged citizenship, AUM contributes to the betterment of the individual and the community by fostering academic excellence and providing socially responsive, flexible and innovative education programs for adult learners. AUM features a wide array of bachelor’s degree completion majors, master’s programs in conflict resolution, management, education and individualized liberal and professional studies programs. For more information on Antioch University McGregor, go to www.mcgregor.edu.
University Information:
Darlene Robertson, V.P. of Student Services
Antioch University McGregor
Phone: 937-769-1820
E-mail: drobertson@mcgregor.edu
Sunday, June 21, 2009
As you have probably heard on the news, Governor Strickland has proposed a last minute change to the State Budget: he proposes to cut funding for Ohio’s Libraries by an additional $100 million dollars a year for the next two years.
Public libraries are a vital lifeline to job hunting information, education, and family fun in a down economy. Greene County Public Library receives 55% of its funding from the State of Ohio. This funding rises and falls with the State’s income, and funding for libraries has already fallen dramatically in the current recession. If the Governor’s new cut became permanent, it would devastate the services we provide to children, teens, adults, and seniors throughout Greene County.
Under the Governor’s proposal, the funding for Ohio’s libraries would drop to nearly half of 2008 levels. The cost to the Greene County Public Library would be $2.2 million in 2009 and $3.5 million in 2010. The cut for this year would be in addition to the $3.3 million reduction the library is already facing because of declining state tax revenues.
We have already absorbed large drops in state funding while working as hard as we can to not reduce services for our wonderful patrons. But, without this key state funding, we will have to make deep cuts in hours, eliminate services, and possibly even close branches.
You can help us protect the funding that will keep us doing what we do best — serving you — by contacting your representatives and the Governor’s office by phone and email this week to let them how you feel about the Governor’s proposal: the decision on this proposal will be made before July 1.
Please contact:
Governor Ted Strickland
(614) 466-3555
(614) 644-4357 (Fax)
Representative Jarrod Martin
(614) 644-6020
(614) 719-3970 (Fax)
Representative Robert Hackett
(614) 466-1470
(614) 719-6984 (Fax)
Senator Chris Widener
(614) 466-3780
On behalf of the entire Greene County Public Library family, thank you for your help and support.
Our mailing address is:
Greene County Public Library
76 E Market St
PO Box 520
Xenia, Ohio 45385-0520
Our telephone:
937 352 4000 x1210
Yellow Springs Outdoor Sculpture Competition Winners Announced
Contest guidelines stated that “each sculpture should celebrate the spirit of creativity of Yellow Springs.” Twelve artists submitted proposals for the contest, and the blind panel of judges reviewed the entries not knowing the identity of the artists.
Three works have been chosen, and the artists submitting those proposals are Migiwa Orimo (Yellow Springs), winning the $2,000 award, and Beth Holyoke (Yellow Springs) and Olga Ziemska (Cleveland), each winning a $4,000 award.
Competition coordinator Laura Carlson noted that “the variety of media among the submissions was very impressive – ceramics, wood, stone, metal, fabric, found and repurposed objects, plants, and sound and light were all represented. The works chosen will be wonderful additions to the public art of Yellow Springs.”
Sites for the three sculptures will be finalized in cooperation with the Village of Yellow Springs, with the assistance of Ed Amrhein.
The Yellow Springs Arts Council, the Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee, and the Community Information Project partnered to sponsor the competition. The sculptures will be installed by early October 2009.
Laura Carlson
Project Coordinator
Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Liar's contest in Yellow Springs
Read more in the Dayton Daily News: Lie your way to free ice cream for a year
Friday, June 19, 2009
Shining cities, slimy streets
Both cities are modern and vibrant. The streets are filled with young people who, despite the high price of just about everything, seem to be living the good life. There are lines outside the clubs. The cafes and sushi restaurants are buzzing.
But the cities reflect one another in another more disturbing aspect. The parks and underpasses are teeming with the homeless. Walking some of the streets, especially in and around the two Chinatowns, is a daunting prospect. Within an hour of arriving in Vancouver, we are warned four times to avoid East Hastings Street. As we leave a Chinatown restaurant at nine in the evening (it is still light out), the owner insists on calling us a taxi. We had a similar situation in the International District in Seattle.
Amy naively wonders why they don't get jobs. Even if there were jobs, these people are patently unemployable. In the U.S. at least, I am tempted to point to something that happened more than 20 years ago.
History has been kind to Ronald Reagan. These days, even Democrats speak nostalgically of the days of the Reagan presidency. But I remember what happened in New York City when Reagan emptied the mental institutions as one social program after another shut down due to lack of federal funding. The streets and parks and underpasses filled with tortured and sometimes dangerous souls who were unable to care for themselves. We seem to have forgotten about that.
Get a job..? There has to be another solution.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Coming soon, the wit of Ron Siemer
Does anyone remember this? Well, Ron has promised to revive it on the Blog at the very least, and perhaps in print.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This Old House YS style

A reader inquired about what's going on with that stately, old, red brick house on the southwest corner of Herman St. and Xenia Ave. Obviously, someone has been renovating. So, recently the Blog dropped in to find the Struewing brothers hard at work clearing brush. Brother John deferred to brother Ken, who, he said, had purchased the house from Corinne Pelzl.
Ken said, he is renovating the house with a view toward putting it on the market. He estimates that it will take mine months to complete the job. According to Ken, he has had nothing but positive comments about the project. The house had fallen into a state of disrepair that was readily apparent to anyone driving through town on Route 68.
Note: This post has been corrected to reflect the true name of Ken Struewing, previously reported as Dave.
Yellow Springer talks to the Huffington Post about being unemployed
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ohio Citizens for the Arts warns of budget cuts
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The biggest, best Street Fair ever

YSI acquires Utah company
Read the Article
Friday, June 12, 2009
It's da berries!
Resolution supporting Obama's health care reform
"The issue was supposed to be added to Council's agenda for next Monday, but that hasn't been released yet," Abendroth wrote in an email to the Blog.
The resolution has been posted to the Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Website. <<Read the resolution>>
Thursday, June 11, 2009
YS Community Band Concert Friday at 7 p.m.
If it rains, the concert will be moved into the Mills Lawn School gym just across Walnut Street.
The Strawberry Festival will run from 6-9 p.m. on Friday and 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. during Street Fair on Saturday.
The program:
Marching to Pretoria - Marais
March and Procession of Bacchus - Delibes
Spring (from "The Seasons") - Vivaldi
March to the Scaffold - Berlioz
Irish Tune from County Derry - Grainger
Funderal March of a Marionette - Gounod (bassoon solo by Whitney Finster)
March: Untitled - Sousa
Anything Goes - Cole Porter
La Virgen de la Macarena - Monterde
As Summer Was Just Beginning - Daehn
Highlights From South Pacific - Rodgers
Frisbee course pulls up stakes, moves to John Bryan
According to an email from Antioch University Director of University Communications Lynda Sirk, the University received a call from Larry Silverman, the person who built the Frisbee golf course, notifying them that "he intended to, and then subsequently did, tear it down and moved it to the Bryan State Park." The people at Bryan State Park offered to assist him in moving it, Sirk said.
"Larry says that they will do a fund raiser to add 6 more holes to make it an 18 hole course," she wrote.
The Blog is trying to locate Silverman for comment.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Breaking News: Village about to take another big economic hit

The Yellow Springs facility provides more than 13,000 outpatient visits annually and serves as a rural training site for more than half of Wright State med students, according to the Wright State University Medical School Website.

Calls made this morning (6/12) to both the main office of Wright State Physicians in Dayton and the Yellow Springs clinic were not returned by the end of the day.
Rita Caz: Short move, big improvement
The business is an eclectic combination of custom made jewelry and repairs, vintage guitars, music books and Cd's, and African artifacts and other kinds of art. As I enter the store for an interview, Mark is demonstrating a guitar by playing and singing a blues number, and Gail is showing some jewelry to a customer. The new space is especially well suited for its variety of uses. The guitars are upstairs in a loft where there is also a room for private guitar lessons. Downstairs in the basement, there are three rooms that are used for classes, events and manufacturing. The main floor, where the jewelry and artwork are displayed, is well lit by a huge wall of glass.
"Rita is a name that crosses through the generations," Gail said. "It's distinguished, yet not stuffy, like us."
Why the move? According to Gail, it was a combination of factors. The space became available, it had room for more services, and it offered them an opportunity to get back to their original business plan: creating unique jewelry, allowing other artists to show their work, teaching classes in jewelry making, and maintaining a creative atmosphere.
Mark did his first jewelry apprenticeship in Yellow Springs, where he was raised, with Norman Mahan. That was in 1969. His co-apprentice at the time was Cary Moore, former husband of Marsha Walgren of Ohio Silver. He also apprenticed in Dayton and Phoenix, Ariz. and worked for Cab-N-Facet in Springfield for 14 years, before venturing out on his own.
Employees Talitha Green and Mary Patterson, not only work there, but sell their own creations on consignment. The Crockett's daughter, Sarah, also has work on display.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
YS Library events in the month of June
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 1-29, 2009
Time: 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE
No computer experience is necessary for these 30-minute, one-on-one sessions. Topics include Basic Training, Email, Library Resources and Searching the Web.
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
Summer Reading Kickoff: Color Your Library! for Children
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 9, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Find out about summer reading programs and add a touch of color to the library with sidewalk chalk.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
A Traditional Henna Program for Teens
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 10, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Local artist Raven will instruct teens in the art of henna.
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
The Summer Lunch Bunch for Ages 8-12
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 11-25, 2009
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Bring a lunch and talk about books.
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
Preschool Story Times for Ages 3-6
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 12 to July 24, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Come in for stories, crafts and summertime fun for young children!
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
Drum-Line Rhythms from the Project Jericho Bucket Band for Ages 6-17
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 16, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
This will be held at Mills Lawn. Try to stand still when these drummers start to riff! ( in case of rain, check library for alternate location).
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
D & D Gaming for Grades 7 to 12
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 17, 2009
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Join the Dungeon Master for adventure with D & D.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
Music in the Library Series presents: The OK Ramblers
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 18, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Folks of all ages can give their tappin' toes a workout listening to the lively music of the OK Ramblers string band.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
Aikido for Grade 5 to 12
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 20, 2009
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
5gh Dan & Chief Instructor Michael McVey of YS Aikido will present instruction to Aikido.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 20, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Help plan programs for teens and the community. Receive community service credit for meetings and programs.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
The Space Painter
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 23, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Fun is in the air when this juggler comes to town!
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
African Tradition Storytelling
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 24, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Ms. Bailey brings the art of African storytelling to Yellow Springs where she'll captivate listeners of all ages.
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
Special Summer Concert for Ages 3-6
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 26, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Young musicians from the Summer Band & Orchestra Camp will perform.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
Movies, Movies, Movies
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 27, 2009
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
View a great film with free popcorn and drinks.
For More Information: call 937-352-4003
Magic 101 with David Williamson
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 29, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Learn the secrets of magic from world renowned sleight of hand magician, David Williamson.
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
A YSKP: Spy Moves Program
Yellow Springs Community Library
415 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs
Date: June 30, 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: FREE
The playhouse pros teach youngsters how to slink through the shadows like an underworld spy!
Registration Required: call 937-352-4003
For More Information on activities at Greene County Libraries: go to Greene Co. Libraries
DDN: Glismann looking for a job
Dayton Daily News: School official applies for jobs
Community Band to play at Strawberry Festival Fri nite
The band, weather permitting, will set up on the church's front lawn and the concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. In addition to delicious strawberry treats, diners will be treated to an eclectic musical menu ranging from Vivaldi to Sousa to Cole Porter. The full program will be posted on the Blog later in the week.
If it rains, and according to the weather gurus at Channel 7 that is not likely, the concert will be moved into the MLS gym just across Walnut Street.
The Strawberry Festival at the First Presbyterian Church will run from 6-9 p.m. on Friday and 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. during Street Fair on Saturday.
AC3 and Antioch University extend deadline
"Given the substantial momentum on this undertaking, both parties have unanimously agreed to a June 30, 2009, deadline. This period of time is necessary to complete the extensive legal documents that will need to be approved by both boards prior to required reviews by external agencies such as the Ohio Attorney General," the release said.
GLCA has been mediating this effort since the summer of 2008.
Related post: Sitting down with Toni Murdock and Art Zucker
Monday, June 8, 2009
Job opportunity for an artist
Greene County Dailies: Mural artist wanted
Camp Scholarships Available
Street Fair Announcement - Jr National Young Leaders Conference
Mike Kremer
Fourth of July events/Street Fair
Ditto for Street Fair announcements. Example: A reliable source has told me that Tom's Market will be closed during Street Fair and will reopen at 5:00 p.m.
Ralph Keyes' Retroterm of the Day: Luddite
Reposted with permission: RalphKeyes.com
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Proposed site for new Center for the Arts
Related Post: Center for the Arts Planning New Construction
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ralph Keyes' Retroterm of the Day: Slipshod
Reposted with permission: RalpKeyes.com
Friday, June 5, 2009
Lunch at the Mill
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Former YS Village Manager fired from job in Washington State
Yakima Herald: Sunnyside fires city manager
Ralph Keyes' Retroterm of the Day: Whistlestop
Reposted with permission: RalphKeyes.com
Jack L. Kershner on May 30
Bench to Nowhere: Inaugural Production - "The Thin Man"
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Take this, you trivia buffs
How Up Are You on Village History?
by Ralph Keyes (with help from Scott Sanders,
Gilah Pomeranz and Detlef Frank)
This is the first of a series of quizzes based on Yellow Springs lore that will be posted periodically on this blog.
1. Wheeling Gaunt
-----a) owned the town’s first bike shop
-----b) founded Yellow Springs
-----c) donated the land for Gaunt Park
-----d) was a popular railroad engineer who waved at kids while
2. How many U.S. senators lived in Yellow Springs?
-----a) 2----------b) 1
-----c) 3----------d) 0
3. The Yellow Springs in Glen Helen got its name because
-----a) Antioch students once poured yellow dye into its waters.
-----b) It has a high content of rusty iron.
-----c) During the Civil War male residents of the adjacent town
-----d) Local residents often relieved themselves there.
4. Another town called Yellow Springs once existed in the state of
-----a) Oregon -----------------b) Minnesota
-----c) Pennsylvania ----------d) none of the above
5. Yellow Springs was a busy stop on the Underground Railroad.
-----a) True ----------b) False
6. Chief Tecumseh was born in a Shawnee encampment
-----a) adjacent to the Yellow Springs
-----b) where the Winds Wine Cellar is now located
-----c) where the Glen Helen Nature Center is now located
-----d) none of the above
7. An early organizing meeting for the Republican Party was held
-----a) Odd Fellows Hall -----------b) Whitehall Farm
-----b) Ellis Pond --------------------d) Ye Olde Trail Tavern
8. James McKee was the first African-American to hold the
-----a) Mayor ------------------------b) Chief of Police
-----c) Council President ----------d) High School Principal
9. Following World War II a group of scientists and engineers who came from Germany to work at Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson) were welcomed as Yellow Springs residents.
-----a) True -----b) False
10. Before it was a community center the Bryan Center was the
-----a) armory
-----b) high school
-----c) elementary school
-----d) opera house
Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a, 10-b.
1) Wheeling Gaunt was a onetime slave in Kentucky who bought his freedom and migrated to Yellow Springs where he became a prosperous landowner and philanthropist.
2) Simeon Fess and Mike DeWine were both onetime residents of Yellow Springs who became U.S. senators.
3) Technically Yellow Springs should be called Ochre Springs or Burnt Siena Springs.
4) According to its website, Yellow Springs, Pennsylvania is now part of Chester Springs: “Situated 35 miles northwest of Philadelphia, Chester Springs is best known as the location of Historic Yellow Springs — an early American historical village and museum. Originally a health spa in the 18th century, George Washington commissioned the nation’s first military hospital in Yellow Springs. … Recent archaeological evidence suggests that the Lenape first used the iron rich ‘yellow’ spring water for medicinal purposes thousands of years ago.”
5) According to Wilbur Siebert’s history of the underground railroad in Ohio, conductors were wary of this area because so many Cedarville residents were pro-slavery.
6) Yellow Springs is one of the few area locales that doesn’t claim to be Tecumseh’s birthplace. According to biographer John Sugden, Tecumseh most likely was born near Chillicothe.
7) Whitehall Farm was one of several settings where anti-slavery activists met during the early 1850s to discuss forming a new political party that became the Republican Party.
9) Several participants in Operation Paperclip (the code name for a program that brought German scientists and engineers to work in U.S. aerospace efforts) who worked at Wright Field settled in Yellow Springs after encountering animosity elsewhere.