Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat--October 5-7, 2012
Do you yearn for a get-away
to focus on your work-in-progress, in an inspiring yet restful
setting, while receiving guidance from writing and publishing
professionals, so you can return home re-charged and ready to take the
next steps on your creative writing path? If so, our Fall 2012 Weekend
Writers' Retreat--October 5-7, 2012 may be just what you need!
WHO may attend?
This retreat is designed
for writers who have works of fiction (short stories or novels),
poetry, or essay(s)/creative nonfiction either complete or in progress
and who wish to focus on revising/completing this work and identifying
next steps on their writing paths. Up to fifteen writers will be
selected from applicants. (See "How to apply" at bottom of this page
for details.)
WHERE will the retreat be HELD?
WHO will LEAD this retreat?
This retreat will be led by Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo.
- Kevin Haworth is Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University, and Executive Editor,
Ohio University Press & Swallow Press. He holds an M.F.A., Fiction
Writing, Arizona State University and a B.A., English, Vassar College.
His publications include The Discontinuity of Small Things, a novel (Quality Words in Print, 2005); Lit From Within: Contemporary Masters on the Art and Craft of Writing (co-editor with Dinty W. Moore, Ohio University Press, 2011); as well as fiction and non-fiction in Michigan
Quarterly Review, Witness, Copper Nickel, McSweeney's Internet
Tendency, Center, Cold Mountain Review, Swink, Harpur Palate, Juked,
Sentence, Another Chicago Magazine, Permafrost, JBooks, Jewish Literary
Supplement, Publishers Weekly, Jewish Education News, Poetica and elsewhere.
- Lynne Hugo's publications include five novels, most recently Last Rights, one volume of
non-fiction, two books of poetry and a children's book. A National
Endowment For The Arts Fellowship recipient, she has also received
repeat individual artists grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women
and the Ohio Arts Council. She has taught creative writing through the
Ohio Arts Council's renowned Arts in Education program. She holds a
Bachelor's degree from Connecticut College, and a Master's from Miami
WHAT is the SCHEDULE for the retreat and WHAT will participants DO?
Friday, October 5, 2012
- 6:00 p.m.--Arrive and check in at Grailville
- 7:00
p.m.--Ice breakers, creative writing exercises, wine, beverages and
snacks provided; small group discussions and one-on-one consultations*
Saturday, October 6, 2012
- @8:30
a.m.--Breakfast delivered to your door! Write on your own in the
inspiring setting of Grailville, drawing on the creativity starters and
feedback received on Friday evening.
- 12:30 p.m.--Lunch provided
- After lunch until dinner--small group discussions and one-on-one consultations*
- 6:30 p.m.--Dinner provided
- Post dinner--participant readings; small group discussions*
Sunday, October 7, 2012
- @8:30
a.m.--Breakfast delivered to your door! Write on your own, participate
in small group discussions and one-on-one consultations*
- 12:30 p.m.--Lunch and final group gathering
- 2:00
p.m.--Depart Grailville to return home and apply inspiration,
motivation and momentum gained at retreat to your own work-in-progress!
*So what do
"small group discussions" and "one-on-one consultations" mean? That
will depend on the participants! Rather than set specific topics, we
will ask selected participants to identify what THEY want to get out of
one-on-one consultations and small group discussions. Discussions
about publishing, voice, research, character development? Sure!
One-on-one feedback from one of our instructors on a partial manuscript
or to simply provide advice/answer questions? Sure! Specifics will be
determined from feedback from participants after selection but before
the beginning of the retreat.
So... if I'm SELECTED, WHAT will this COST?
For 27th Annual Summer Program participants only, cost is $400.00 TOTAL (a
$50 discount as our thanks to you for attending the su--and includes
two nights lodging at Grailville, all food catered by Grailville
(Friday evening snacks; Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening
snacks; Sunday breakfast and lunch), and instruction/guidance by Kevin
Haworth and Lynne Hugo. Transportation to and from Grailville is not
included and must be arranged by participants.
with the subject line: Fall 2012 Retreat Application. Attach, as a WORD
file, or mail to Antioch Writers' Workshop, c/o Antioch University
Midwest, 900 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, the following TWO
- a
one-page cover letter providing your name, contact information
(address, email, phone), and a paragraph or two about where you are on
the writing path (what you're working on) and why you want to attend
this retreat.
- a writing sample: between 10 and 20 double spaced pages for nonfiction or fiction OR between 5 and 10 pages of poetry
NOTE: Fifteen applicants will be selected by the Antioch Writers'
Workshop Scholarship Committee. Applications will be accepted between
July 25, 2012 and September 10, 2012. Applicants MUST be over 21 years
of age. Applicants will receive a confirmation via email that
application has been received within 3 business days of receipt. (For
example, if you send your application on a Friday, expect confirmation
via email by midnight the following Wednesday. If you do not receive an
email confirmation within 3 business days, please re-send application.)
will receive notification of acceptance or decline by email by
September 17, 2012, midnight. PLEASE NOTE: Antioch Writers' Workshop
cannot provide feedback on submitted pieces about why application might
be declined.
WHAT happens NEXT if I am ACCEPTED to the FALL 2012 RETREAT?
notification of acceptance by September 17, 2012, you will be invoiced
for $400.00 for the fall retreat. This will be due September 24, 2012.
$125.00 of this fee is nonrefundable; after September 30, 2012, the
entire amount is nonrefundable. You will also receive a detailed
questionnaire about your goals/preferences for the small
group/one-on-one consultations. If you are planning to have a one-on-one
consultation about a manuscript that is different than the one you
submitted, it must be no more than 20 double spaced pages for
fiction/non-fiction, or 10 pages of poetry, and must be received
electronically by September 24, 2012 in order to allow Lynne or Kevin
time to review. You will receive a detailed email by October 1, 2012
about the retreat.