Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The kids are back from a couple weeks of visiting family in Malaysia. Their clocks are still messed up. This morning, as I was headed back to the house from my 7:00 a.m. feeding and watering in Chickenland, out comes my stepson with a knife in his hand. No, he had not gone berserk. He was headed for that patch of garden where Amy has a dozen stalks of corn.

"What..?" he said, noticing the look on my face. "Can't a guy have corn for breakfast?"

Chickens, corn, a zucchini we found in the garden yesterday that resembles a duck... It suddenly struck me what farmers we have become.

Good news from the Malaysia trip: May's boyfriend Chris, who we like a lot, proposed to her while they were staying in Kuala Lumpur. No date has been set.

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