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A forum on defeating Issue 2 (SB5)
and a voter suppression bill (HB194)
The very first Yellow Springs Progressive Forum meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22 at 7:30 pm in the Great Room of the YS Senior Center, 227 Xenia Avenue. The forum features local and area speakers covering two important issues on the ballot in November: Issue 2 (SB5), and HB 194.
Rudy Fichtenbaum, the National Executive committee of the AAUP and the chief negotiator for AAUP at Wright State University
Aurelia Blake, a teacher at Yellow Springs High School, will speak about the fight against SB5 and its negative impact on local schools and teachers.
Ellis Jacobs, a local attorney, will talk about efforts to protect the right to vote in Ohio. He has spent the summer coordinating statewide opposition to two voter suppression bills including HB194, which has passed. Public interest and civil rights groups are now in the process of collecting referendum signatures to block its implementation.
Progressive Forum of Yellow Springs welcomes all progressives including members of the labor, peace, environmental, civil rights, and women and gay-rights movements. We will come together for conversation and debate and organize for effective action when needed. We believe organization of citizens of similar views, is an important component of healthy democratic societies. We believe a vigorous and respectful debate of ideas is essential to the democratic process and for positive change. Participation in electoral and grass roots political action are two of the means to this end.
Contact: Migiwa-767-1067
"Progressive Forum of Yellow Springs"? Has the party that controls local government in Yellow Springs finally chosen a name for itself, or is this a separate organization?
Oops...didn't mean to be anonymous. The first post was from me.
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