A Yellow Springs Weekendby A. Reader
Kings Yard shops A few years back we moved to Yellow Springs, Ohio. Since that time we regularly hear from friends, relatives and sometimes complete strangers asking, “Is there anything to do there?” I thought about creating one of those “36 Hours…” pieces they do in the Sunday
New York Times. I gave that up because you can’t do Yellow Springs in 36 hours. How the
NYT folks do Paris, Berlin, Chicago…in 36 hours is beyond me.
The best I can do is “43 Hours in Yellow Springs”. So here are some suggestions for how to make the most of your weekend visit. Start with
http://www.yellowspringsohio.org for places to stay, maps and things to do.
FRIDAY - arrive Yellow Springs at 5PM.
-Check-in at one of several B&Bs around town. Arthur Morgan House is ideally located and they do a nice breakfast. Not many overnight accommodations in town so the key is to book ahead.

-Stroll around town to see what’s happening - lots of outdoor art. Galleries occasionally stay open late, but usually close by 6PM.
-Stop at the Emporium for wine tasting and music.
-Dinner at the Sunrise Café – nice menu, local foods and vegan friendly.
-After dinner, dessert at the Corner Cone.
-Peaches (22 beers on tap), the Emporium and usually a few others places have live music.

SATURDAY – early morning visit to the two Farmer’s Market locations – local produce, baked goods, cheeses, flowers, lots of talk and much more.
-Allow time for coffee and the morning newspaper – 3 coffee shops in town – Brother Bear does their own roasting.
-Walk or ride the bike path and visit the Women’s Park. Bike rentals are available at the Corner Cone. You could also visit the Yoga Studio or schedule time with one of the many massage therapists in the town.
-Several lunch options. Try Current Cuisine for great deli sandwiches or William’s Eatery for a taste of Peru.

-Plan for a leisure afternoon of shopping. Best of the local art shops include “would you, could you” In A Frame, Village Artisans, Yellow Springs Pottery and Bonadies Glass Studio. Three bookstores in town – Dark Star for used book deals.
-Dinner at the Wind’s Café – great wine selection. Reservations recommended.
-Take in a movie (7PM & 9PM) at the Little Art Theatre – noted for indie and foreign films. Plus, you can’t beat their popcorn.
-Visit the late night Tapas and Martini Lounge at the Sunrise Café.
SUNDAY – good choices for breakfast would be the breakfast burrito at the Emporium or an omelet at the Sunrise Café. If you decide to sleep in, the Wind’s has an excellent brunch menu starting at 10AM.
-Visit Glen Helen - 1000 acre nature preserve with 20 miles of hiking trails. Don’t miss the
Raptor Center.
-Noon – grab a sandwich in town and maybe a stop at Young’s Dairy for a Cow Shake before heading home.
Of course, the whole routine gets changed if something special is happening – plays, music, art openings, lectures, guided tours, etc. The real highlight is that once you park your car in town, you can walk to everything mentioned in this article.
Always check in with
this blog to get the latest information on weekend events.
Enjoy your visit.