Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shaved 3-legged cat spotted near downtown


This guy is friendly, skinny, and surely has a home. Does anyone know anything about this kitty?

Reader submitted.


Got this by a roundabout means, but here it is: Hi -- did you post the cat picture on the blog? Joel and Beth Crandall have a 3-legged cat, Simone, that got out once before and didn't come back for weeks. It might be theirs. I don't know if they're on the blog or not. Just a thought....

Spring into Jazz

TLT Event
at Season's Bistro
28 S Limestone St

Tuesday, May 10, 6-9 p.m.

Thanks go to Margaret Mattox and Doug McGregor of Seasons Bistro for hosting this exciting new fundraiser for the Tecumseh Land Trust.

Enjoy a great evening of live jazz music performed by Par Tolliver and Dean Simms, hearty appetizers featuring fresh, local and seasonal food--enough to fill you up-- desserts, coffee, a wonderful setting--all for a great cause!

To order tickets via Paypal, please follow this link

or call the office at 767-9490

Cash bar will be available.

Please check our calendar of events page for all our upcoming events.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Scene Around Town: Your tax dollars at work

A reader shot this photo this morning of electric crews installing new energy efficient fixtures on the lamp posts on Xenia Avenue.

Reader submitted.

Destination YS

Arts & Culture

April 29 & 30, 8:00 pm; May 1, 2:00 pm
Mills Lawn School Auditorium
A musical performance by the YSHS Drama Club
Tickets are $9 adults/$5 students and seniors.
Rated PG-13. For more information, call 767.2602.

Chamber Music Yellow Springs
Sunday, May 1, 7:30 pm
First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Avenue
Annual Competition featuring The Voxare String Quartet
& The Aeolus String Quartet

"A Yellow Spring"
For the month of April
Village Artisans Gallery, 100 Corry St.

"In Color"
Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., April 30, May 7 and 14
YSAC Gallery, 309 Xenia Ave
The exhibit features richly-colored portraits of flowers
and birds created by local photographer Steve J. Lord.

"Those Who Can, Teach Art"
Sunday, May 1, 2-4 pm Gallery Reception
Glen Helen Atrium Gallery - 405 Corry St.
Multimedia by Melina Elum & Elisabeth Ventling Simon

Artist talk at 3 pm. Music by Ladybird. Refreshments.
Mills Lawn Auditorium

Nature & Recreation

Glen Helen Nature Preserve

Bird Walk
Saturday, April 30, 8 - 10 am
Search for birds near the peak of migration.
Starts at Grinnell Mill, 3536 Bryan Park Rd.

Wildflower Hike
Sunday, May 1, 1 - 3 pm
Catch a glimpse of wildflowers and take photos.
Departs from Trailside Museum on Corry St.

Special Fundraiser

Lasagna Dinner - Coat Fund Benefit
Saturday, April 30; 5:30 - 7:00 pm
YS United Methodist Church, 202 S. Winter St.
The United Methodist Women will host a lasagna dinner to benefit the Yellow Springs Police Department Coat Fund that helps provide children in the Yellow Springs Schools with warm clothing and other necessary items.
Adults $10; Children $5

Coming Next Weekend

April May 6 & 7, 8pm; May 8, 2 pm
Mills Lawn Auditorium
Yellow Springs High School Drama Club
Tickets are $9 adults/$5 students and seniors. Rated PG-13
For more information, call 767.2602.

Make it Count for the Birds
Saturday, May 7; 12 am - 12 pm
Glen Helen Nature Preserve
Participate in the Glen Helen Bird-a-thon as we attempt to
find as many species of birds in Glen Helen as possible.
Each species spotted will help raise money for the Glen.
Will you be the one to spot a new species?

Community Food Pantry Benefit
Saturday, May 7; 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
YS United Methodist Church, 202 S. Winter St.
Please bring a donation of food, cleaning or personal products or money to help the food pantry for the Yellow Springs area. There will be a drawing for donated prizes.

April 29 Weekend Entertainment

Peach's Grill
9 am - 2:30 am
Music 10 pm; $5 cover
Fri. - Big Gil & His Funky Allstars
Sat. - Crazy Joe

Little Art Theatre
Jane Eyre

Special Screening for only $5
May 1 at 3:30p
"North Dixie Drive"

YSO needs Y-O-U

Three volunteers needed Tuesday, May 3rd, 10:00-12:00

Friends of WYSO,

We're getting ready for a big garage sale next month - and we need your help. I'm looking for two or three people who can do some light physical labor - moving CDs and vinyl - on Tuesday, May 3rd from 10:00 AM until Noon.

If you're interested give me a call at 937.769.1334.

Sarah Buckingham
WYSO Public Radio

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Neenah Ellis talks about her time at WYSO

After two years in local public radio in Yellow Springs, Station Manager Neenah Ellis talks about the station's transition back from national to local content and how she has learned to be a jack of all trades. Neenah Ellis

Bird count about to take flight

Glen Helen’s 2011 Make it Count for the Birds

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Come join with other birdwatchers to see how many different bird species we can find in Glen Helen in just 24 hours. Each species spotted will help raise money for the Glen. This event coincides with Spring migration, so we hope to see 75-90 different species of birds!

Schedule of Activities

• 12:00 am: Count period begins

• 5:30 am: Dawn Chorus. Join Glen Helen Director Nick Boutis as we greet the sounds of the dawn on the Little Miami River. Meet at Grinnell Mill: 3536 Bryan Park Rd.

• 8:00 am: Woodland Bird Walk. Join our guide for a two-hour walk through the forests of Glen Helen in search of migrant songbirds. 50 or more bird species are possible. Meet at Trailside Museum: 505 Corry St.

• 9:00 am: Pine Forest Walk. The forest may hold uncommon species like pine warblers, and we'll check the bluebird boxes for these colorful wonders. Meet at Horace Mann Meadow, Bryan Park Rd, just south of entrance to John Bryan State Park.

• 10:00 am: The Homestead Walk. The sparsely visited area of the South Glen is home to a recently restored wetland. Meet at the far end of West Jacoby Rd. (Access from Rt. 68)

• 11:00 am: Farm and Field Walk. The area around the Riding Centre is the best place in the Glen to find swallows and other birds of open fields and farmlands. Meet at the Riding Centre: 1117 East Hyde Rd.

• 12:00 pm: Lunchtime Tally Rally. Birders will share what they’ve found (and what they’ve missed). Birders and sponsors can nosh on complimentary snacks and coffee. Meet at Trailside Museum: 505 Corry St.

• 12:30 pm: Cleanup Crew. We’ll dispatch a team to cover miles by car, foot, or bicycle in search of species missed during the morning hikes. Meet at Trailside Museum: 505 Corry St.

• 1:00 pm: Prairie and River Walk. We'll walk through the South Glen along the Little Miami. Expect orioles, finches, swallows, warblers. Meet at the Little Miami Bridge on Grinnell Rd.

• 2:00 pm: Trailside Sit. Don't feel like walking? Come find out how many species can we spot from one 17-foot circle. Meet at Trailside Museum: 505 Corry St.

• 3:00 pm: South Glen Wetlands. The slope wetlands and cattail marsh of the South Glen are vastly different from the habitats in the North Glen. Who knows what we'll find here! Meet at the Greene County Boat Launch at the end of East Jacoby Rd. (Access from Clifton Rd.)

• 5:00 pm: Evening Tally Rally. Birders will share what they’ve found (and what they’ve missed). Meet at Trailside Museum: 505 Corry St.

• 11:59:59 pm: Count period ends – Last chance to report sightings!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rocky & Pee Wee: Glub... Glub...

Calamity days restored

YS Schools have to make up one day

From the Superintendent of Schools:

HB 36 has passed and was signed into effect by the Governor. The law gives us 5 calamity days back for this school year. According to our calendar, we will have 1 day to make up at the end of the school year.

The NEW last day of school will be June 6 for students and June 7 for teachers.

Save the date - Saturday, May 28

The legendary pioneer of cross-cultural children's music, Ella Jenkins, will be performing as a benefit for Mills Lawn on Saturday, May 28 at 7 PM.

She is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award, has 39 recordings under her belt with Folkways/Smithsonian, and really knows how to engage wee ones and larger siblings with her music.

Here is a link to a recent NYT story about her:

Please help spread the word!

The PTO is considering having things for sale (edible and otherwise) at the concert to benefit the school as well. Any ideas for donations? Any volunteers to help work the event?

Contact: Jennifer Berman -

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wednesday at CSKC

Click on image to enlarge.

New art gallery in town

Springs Gallery, located in Kings Yard, 220 Xenia Avenue in Yellow Springs, is now open for business. The gallery carries a wide variety of original fine arts, fine crafts and gift items by local and regional artists. In the future, the gallery plans to host small art classes. A grand opening is planned for later in the spring. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday, Noon to 7 PM and, on the 3rd Friday (Fling in the Springs), Noon to 9 PM. It is co-owned and operated by local artists Christine Klinger and Gayle Sultzbach. For more information call 937.767.1766, email, or visit

This Saturday at Clifton Opera House

Ralph Kettering and the Impossibles will play the Clifton Opera House on Saturday, April 30th. The show starts at 7:30pm, box office opens at 6:30pm. The historic Opera House is looking forward to the return of this band. This group of talented musicians have become one of the Opera House staples playing every spring and fall.

Ralph and the band will have your toes tapping with old time favorites featuring big band, polkas, and country. The Clifton Opera House is owned and operated by the Village of Clifton and is a fund raiser. Call 937)767-2343 for more information or check out

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glen Helen Atrium Gallery Exhibition - May 1 - 30

Those Who Can, Teach Art: Multi-Media Work by Melina Elum and Elisabeth Ventling Simon

Glen Helen Atrium Gallery is showing “Those Who Can, Teach Art” Multi-Media Work by Melina Elum and Elisabeth Ventling Simon from May 1 – 30, 2011. This exhibition showcases the work of two artists who teach at the Yellow Springs Public Schools. The public is invited to meet the artists at the opening reception on Sunday, May 1st from 2 - 4 pm. Elum and Simon will speak about their art during a gallery talk at 3:00 pm. The band Ladybird, featuring jazz vocalist Corinna Nix, will perform during the reception and refreshments will be available.

Elisabeth Ventling Simon is showing a series of mixed media paintings. Simon sees simple objects, such as bird’s nests, as having life and considers them portraits. She enjoys the process of building up layers of texture and color in loose sketches and monoprints, as well as tightly rendered portraits.

Melina Elum is exhibiting a broad range of work, including photography, ceramics, drawing and painting. Her philosophy of teaching art and being an artist is rooted in the understanding that artists have gifts to share. Creativity is a way of life, “a way of perceiving and thinking, and responding to one’s environment and to the challenges of today.”

The Gallery is located in the Glen Helen Building at 405 Corry Street in Yellow Springs. Show hours are 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and 10 am to 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Admission is free. Artwork will be available for purchase with proceeds supporting the Glen Helen Nature Preserve.

For more information call the Glen Helen Ecology Institute at 937.769.1902 or visit

The Glen Helen Atrium Gallery showcases the work of emerging local and regional visual artists in twelve exhibits each year. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of art goes to the Glen Helen Association, a non-profit organization whose mission is to support preservation and programs at Glen Helen and its 1,000-acre nature preserve.

"Building a Better Board" deadline

A Yellow Springs Community Foundation Jointly Sponsored Program

On May 19, 2011, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation will be jointly sponsoring along with Greene Giving and the Morgan Family Foundation "Building a Better Board," a seminar with Mark Light. The program will be held at Antioch Midwest from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Light, who was President of the Victoria Theatre Association for 15 years, is a respected leadership governance educator. There is a registration fee of $20.00 per person and it is strongly recommended that nonprofit organizations send both a board member and a staff member. For more information, a copy of the brochure and registration form click here (downloadable PDF).

The deadline for registrations is May 12.

Feel free to direct any inquiries to

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Local man on MSNBC

Scott Keyes

We are used to seeing local author Ralph Keyes on television. If he's not plugging his latest book, he's being called upon by one news show host or another to offer an expert opinion. But this time it was his son Scott providing the expertise. Scott Keyes is working as a reporter for ThinkProgress, the blog of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Recently, he appeared on the ED Show on MSNBC, talking about his coverage of a Paul Ryan town hall meeting in Wisconsin where the Congressman was blasted by his own constituents over his trickle down economics. Watch it here.

He also got a mention on the blog Politico for his coverage of another conservative politician. Politico: Center for American Progress news team takes aim at GOP

Check out Scott Keyes blog on ThinkProgress.

Business After Hours at GCCC

Greene County Career Center hosted the YS Chamber of Commerce for a “Business After Hours” event Thursday evening. About 40 chamber members were treated to a delicious array of appetizers and desserts prepared by the Culinary Arts students. Superintendent Dan Schroer was on hand to welcome the chamber members and Ron Bolender ran two tour groups through the facility. For most of the chamber attendees, the comments during the tour were “I had no idea this was such a great facility” and “these programs are really amazing.” A special thanks to the staff and students for opening their doors for our visit and for spending some extra time to share the GCCC story. For more information visit the GCCC web page at

Bro Bear's victim awareness event gets attention

Brother Bear's Coffee Shop promoted National Crime Victims Week last week with special sleeves on their coffee cups.

Xenia Daily Gazette: Local coffee shop raises awareness for victims of crime

The WYSO T-shirt contest

Every now and then we could all use a nice, new t-shirt.

And that includes WYSO...

If you win our third annual t-shirt design contest, your design will be worn by WYSO listeners and friends around the world. (To the right is last year's design)

The contest will run from April 20th until May 20th at 5 PM.

For the ground rules and how to enter click here.

We're expecting a lot, so show us what you've got!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is it authentic?

Oil and gas land lease talking points doc goes viral

Early last week the Green Environmental Coalition (GEC) provided me with a copy of a document that purported to be deceptive talking points for oil and gas landsmen that was said to have been found near a home in Miami Township that had been targeted for a lease. I asked GEC to post it on their Website so I could link to it. It took awhile, but it is up there now. Meanwhile, the story has hit the media, both locally and nationally (see link below) and the state has been asked to investigate.

Judge for yourself: Oil talking points (Link to PDF)

WTOV-TV: Ohio AG Asked To Investigate Deceitful Gas Drilling Memo's Authenticity (AP)

Canton Rep: Attorney general asked to investigate gas lease tactics

Destination YS

Arts & Culture

Glen Helen Atrium
Daily 9:30a-4:30p, Weekends 10a-4p, until April 29
Glen Helen Building - 405 Corry St.
"Views of Antartica" photography by John Higdon

"A Yellow Spring"
For the month of April
Village Artisans Gallery, 100 Corry St.

"In Color"
Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., April 23, 30, May 7 and 14
YSAC Gallery, 309 Xenia Ave
The exhibit features richly-colored portraits of flowers and birds created by local photographer Steve J. Lord.

Earth Day Green Fair
Saturday, April 23, 12-5 pm
Glen Helen Building - 405 Corry St.
20 Booths · Kids Activities · Face Painting · Bike Clinic

French Cafe
Saturday, April 23, 5-7 pm
Yellow Springs High School Gym, 420 E. Enon Rd.
Food, Desserts, Beverages, Entertainment and Music
Donations benefit the Byimana Science High School in Gitarama, Rwanda

Earth Day Wood Kiln Lighting Saturday, April 23, 7:30pm
John Bryan Community Pottery, 100 Dayton St.
Dedication of the kiln, sharing of thoughts, celebratory lighting & refreshments. Kiln loading Friday and Saturday
and stoking on Sunday. At the Penguin building behind the Bryan Center. This event will occur rain or shine.

The Soldier's Tale
Saturday, April 23, 7:30 pm
Antioch College South Gym
Igor Stravinsky's score and Kurt Vonnegut's libretto in a contemporary Music, Theatre & Dance Dance Presentation featuring musicians from the Columbus Symphony.

Nature & Recreation

Glen Helen Nature Preserve
Earth Day Naturalist Programs
Saturday, April 23, 8 am - 2 pm

Fossils of Ohio - See and feel the many fossils of the fascinating extinct creatures that used to inhabit Ohio.

Creating Backyard Ecosystems - Learn about backyard pollinators, wildlife and the native plants that sustain them.

Birds in Your Back Yard - Learn how to identify birds that are common in Ohio by their size, color, song, and behavior.

All About the Weather - Learn about the tools and methods used to explore our local climate and weather systems.

Tiny Things - Come into the kaleidoscope of nature through hands-on explorations.

Let's Get Wild - Learn about the interesting wildlife species living in Ohio.

Earth Day 5K Walk/Run
Saturday, April 23, Registration at 7 am
Free Kids Fun Run - 8:30 a.m; finishers receive a sapling.
5K Run/Walk - 9 a.m.
Chili and cookies at the finish line.

All events on the grounds of the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center and Raptor Center at 1075 SR 343.

Holiday Fun

Young's Dairy
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 24, 2 pm
At Udders & Putters
Over 4,000 eggs to be found.
This is a popular event so please arrive early.

Coming up Next Weekend

April 29 & 30, May 6 & 7, 8pm
May 1 & 8, 2 pm
Mills Lawn Auditorium
Yellow Springs High School Drama Club
Tickets are $9 adults/$5 students and seniors. Rated PG-13
For more information, call 767.2602.

Grace Adele & The Grand Band

At the Emporium tonight (Friday), 6:30-10 p.m.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

AUM appoints new CFO

Pari Sabety brings top-level financial leadership to Antioch University
National award-winner to leverage expertise in higher education

Antioch University Chancellor Toni Murdock announced today the appointment of Pari Sabety as Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer for Antioch University.

“In Pari Sabety we’ve gained an exceedingly bright and capable financial leader to ensure that Antioch University continues to be managed in an efficient manner,” Murdock said. “Sabety brings to Antioch University her known expertise in the development of shared services, ERP deployment, budgeting and fiscal controls, financial reporting, cash management, and innovative capital strategies. She is a strategic thinker and will link a financial model to our planning which will enhance our growth and sustainability.”

With the vision established by Chancellor Murdock, working in unison with the Antioch University Board of Governors, the timing is right to bring to the Antioch University leadership team someone of Pari Sabety’s caliber.

Most recently Sabety served as CFO and Cabinet member for former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, from 2007 to 2011, managing a state budget of $56 Billion and a department of 200 professionals. Sabety served as senior fiscal leader and primary public face as the administration guided the state through the worst recession in 50 years.

A certified public accountant, Sabety brings more than 20 years of experience in the field of economic development to her role as vice chancellor and CFO at Antioch University. Sabety’s work to establish Ohio Shared Services won the President’s Award for Innovation from the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers in 2010. Sabety has served as economic policy adviser to former Ohio Governor Richard Celeste, Director of the Technology Policy Group at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, and as a Fellow at the Brookings Institution where she was the director of the think-tank’s Urban Markets Initiative. With her varied background Sabety brings a wealth of experience and strategic innovation to Antioch University.

“With five campuses in four states, including my home state of Ohio, and with national and international programs, Antioch University is an academic institution steeped in values I believe in - leadership, innovation and sustainability,” Sabety said. “I look forward to putting my diverse background in management, finance, information technology, and complex organizations to work with the team at Antioch University. As the University moves forward, we will continue to position Antioch as a premier institution of higher education renowned in America and around the world.”

"High quality financial planning is critical to a university. It is what enables the university to sustainably grow and provide innovative learning opportunities for its students,” said former Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents Eric Fingerhut. “Pari is a great addition to the Antioch University team because she brings her background in operational and financial planning and her executive leadership team skills to assist the Chancellor in taking the university to the next level.”

“Non-profit, private colleges and universities have weathered the storm of the ‘The Great Recession’ and are now poised to grow even stronger as our economy recovers and more people enter our institutions of higher learning,” Hiram College President Thomas Chema said. “Antioch University is fortunate that a sound financial foundation will be strengthened under the leadership of Pari Sabety.”

Pari Sabety will begin her position as Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer at Antioch University on May 31, 2011. She has lived in Ohio since 1982. Sabety will replace retiring VC and CFO Thomas Faecke.

Kids Art Show

Hosted by Ha Ha Pizza

All kids 8th grade and under are welcome to participate during the month of May in an open art show.
  1. All art must be hang-able (in a frame or on a canvas)
  2. No more than 5 pieces per artist
  3. Art drop-off will be at Brother Bear’s Coffee (118 Dayton Street) on April 28 from 3-6 p.m.
Please call Myndi Pergram with any questions: 937.532.6203.

French Café with an accent

Saturday, April 23
5 p.m.
YS High School

Food, Desserts, Beverages, Entertainment and Music

Donations gladly accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Byimana Science High School in Gitarama, Rwanda - helped by Al Schlueter of Yellow Springs. Event is coordinated by teacher extraordinaire....Mr. Smith.

oo la la - Viens ici!!! Pour beaucoup de desserts et les chansons!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dump truck accident closes Clifton Rd.

Driver trapped for 30 minutes

A dump truck carrying concrete and asphalt flipped over on Clifton Road in Miami Township this afternoon. The driver was taken to Miami Valley Hospital.

Photo by Chris Sultan from his front porch

Mitzi Manny Exhibit

Herndon Gallery, April 28 - May 5

Announcing the Exhibition and sale of selected pastels and watercolors by Mitzi Manny. Opening reception will be Thursday evening April 28th, 2011 from 5:00 to 8:00 at the Herndon Gallery, located in the South Hall, on the campus of Antioch College, 1 Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

The exhibition and sale will be for the benefit of the "Mitzi Manny Memorial Fund" that was established by her two sons, Bruce and Robert, to disperse funds to deserving students of the visual or music arts.

Mr. Bruce Manny, Mitzi's son will be in attendance at the opening reception to further explain the long term concept of the memorial fund.

Many of the works on exhibit have never before been seen by the public and were carefully chosen for their beauty and timelessness. They reflect a wide range of artistic versatility that was characteristic of Mitzi's art.

The exhibition will continue to be open to the public during regular gallery hours 1:00 - 4:00, or by appointment, until Thursday, May 5th, 2011.

For further information or appointments, please contact: Linda L. Parsons 937.767.0123 or

YS Schools Survey

We would like your feedback on how we are doing as a school district. Please consider completing our NEW parent survey through our website at and sharing your thoughts and ideas about how our schools have been serving your children. The survey will be available to complete between April 18-29. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to other Yellow Springs parents in the community.

Please be aware that there is a limit of one survey per computer. Parents without internet access can come into any of our school facilities and complete the survey there.


In addition to the survey being discussed above, we will be creating another one designed specifically around our work with the Class of 2020 strategic planning process. That survey should be ready for distribution in May.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.


Mario Basora
Superintendent, Yellow Springs Schools

Bright colors for a dreary day

By Susan Gartner

A public art installation titled “Peeps in the Park” went up yesterday and features the work of Karen Russell, Elizabeth Zaff, Claire Bayraktaroglu, Corrine Bayraktaroglu, Jennifer Float, Leah Grommon, Kathy Moulton, Nancy Mellon, Alice Young-Basora, Michael Fleishman, Talitha Greene, Cynthia McDonald, and Sue Brezine. Located in the Art Park at the corner of Corry and Dayton Street on the Village Artisans building.

The original idea for the panels was to hang them in "Pub Alley," the alley between The Gulch and Super-Fly Comics. But a change in building ownership and unforeseeable complications forced Jafagirls Corrine Bayraktaroglu and Nancy Mellon to look for another location. Local contractor Les Gilford suggested the Village Artisans building and installed the panels. Nancy and Corrine are happily accepting donations, big or small, to help pay for more public artwork projects like this. They can be reached at

Photo by Corrine Bayraktaroglu

At the Library, Thursday

Click on image to enlarge.

Clothes Swap this Friday

Clean your closets out and bring your gently used, unwanted garments in exchange for clothes donated by others. This will be an open house style event, so come on down to the John Bryan Center for a fresh new wardrobe and delicious refreshments. Open to everyone.

All leftover clothing will be donated to a needy women’s shelter.

Friday, April 22, 4-7 p.m.

John Bryan Center, Rooms A & B (2nd floor)

For more information, contact Gina Laurens at 307-9964

[A YSHS Senior Project]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day Weekend Wood Firing

at John Bryan Community Pottery

The Yellow Springs Community invited to the Lighting Celebration on Saturday, April 23 at 7:30 p.m.

Studio Members at the John Bryan Community Pottery have completed their new wood kiln. An Earth Day Firing with activities celebrating the accomplishment and thanking those who worked on and contributed to the kiln is planned. The entire village is invited to join in all of the activities, or just come to the pottery over the Earth Day weekend to learn what is involved in the wood firing of pottery.

The lighting ceremony will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, 2011. The ceremony will include a dedication of the kiln, sharing of thoughts about the contribution to this organization in the community and then the lighting. Refreshments will be served. Villagers are also invited to stop by during the day on Friday and Saturday to see the loading of wares, and on Sunday to see the stoking of the kiln. The Pottery is located in the Penguin building behind the Bryan Center. This event will occur rain or shine.

The new 40 cubic foot kiln is called a is called a manabigama, which literally translates to “beautiful learning kiln.” The kiln, which will be fired every few months, is modeled on an ancient Japanese kiln designed to reach temperatures of 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit. It will require a continuous supply of wood throughout its 18-hour firing. The wood fired kiln will offer students, studio members, community artists and area educational institutions another aesthetic option for their fired work.

John Bryan Community Pottery has been part of the Yellow Springs arts community for well over 30 years. The studio, whose main purpose is educational, has been offering pottery classes year around to area residents, as well as workshops and shared studio space to artists for all of those years. For more information about the John Bryan Community Pottery, go to

Great Strides Cyustic Fibrosis Fundraiser, May 22

Support local grandparents Hank & Ruth Lapp

You are invited to support the GREAT STRIDES walk with Hank and Ruth Lapp this year at Dayton Island Park on May 22 at noon in honor of our granddaughter Lilly. Many of you supported us last year and we are grateful.

This year we are part of Lilly’s Sunshine with teams walking in Washington, Ohio, and Utah. We’re hoping to raise $15,000 as a group and we have already met 80% of our national goal. Please help us meet our Dayton fundraising goal of $5,000.00 by sponsoring us. Your generous gift will be used efficiently and effectively, as nearly 90 cents of every dollar of revenue raised is available for investment in vital CF programs to support research, care and education.

You may click here to join our team, as well as, send the page to others.

Making a donation is easy and secure! Just click the "Click to Donate" button on the bottom of this page to make a donation that will be credited to our team. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! Your help is needed now more than ever.

To learn more about CF and the CF Foundation, visit

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those with CF! Thank you for supporting the mission of the CF Foundation and GREAT STRIDES!

Coming to the Little Art

"North Dixie Drive" - May 1

"North Dixie Drive," a documentary by Eric Mahoney, is the portrait of a small community of businesses and people residing in the Northridge section of Dayton, OH. It is the story of big time wrestlers, mechanics, a donut salesmen, an eccentric country singer, barbers, exotic dancers and car repo men. This collection of people, from all walks of life, live and work around a traffic circle situated along highway I-75, and fight to keep their lives and careers afloat in a failing economy. This debut film by Brooklyn, NY filmmaker Eric Mahoney showcases an off beat group of characters in today's Middle America.

Check out the movie Website to see a trailer:

Tell Us How WYSO Has Changed Your Life

and We Might Put You on the Air

Did you know that on average 60,000 people a week listen to WYSO?

But only 3,600 people are actually members.

That means 6% of listeners contribute to WYSO. We want to get to 10%, and we need your help.

If you are a WYSO Member - tell us how your life has changed since you joined, and we may put you on the radio. Be creative. Have fun. Make us laugh. You can be as over the top as you want - take a look at our examples:

"My name is Jim Mosher, and I've been listening to WYSO since 2005. Ever since becoming a member, my life has improved dramatically. Every time I put on a jacket, I find $10 in the pocket. The squirrels in my yard have taken to cleaning out the gutters, and just yesterday David Dye called and requested I make him a playlist."

"I'm Heather Martin, and I have been listening to WYSO since 1998. Being a member of this station has turned me into a scientific genius. The other day, I smoothed out some wrinkles in Einstein's work and on Wednesday, I may have time to use the loophole I discovered in the Space-Time Continuum."

Not a member, yet?

Click here to become one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Glen Helen Earth Day Naturalist Programs

8am to 2pm, April 23

The following Earth Day programs are free and run on a drop-in basis from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday April 23, 2011 on the grounds of the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center at 1075 State Route 343 in Yellow Springs. No registration is necessary. All ages welcome!

Title: Fossils of Ohio

Description: Ever heard of a trilobite? How about a brachiopod, a crinoid or a bryozoan? Stop by to see and feel the many fossils of the fascinating extinct creatures that used to inhabit Ohio back when it was a warm, shallow sea in the Ordovician Period more than 450 million years ago! Learn about the wealth of fossils in Ohio from this time, and even bring in your own fossils to identify them!

About the Naturalist:

Jesse Varga is the assistant at the Glen Helen Raptor Center, and has been an intern at the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center for over two years. Originally from Plymouth, Michigan, he attended college at Earlham College in Indiana. He has wide-reaching interests in biology and outdoor education, and is especially fascinated by the fossils of this area of the Midwest.

Title: Creating Backyard Ecosystems

Description: Plant it and they will come! Learn about backyard pollinators, wildlife and the native plants that sustain them. You can create habitat in your yard that is inexpensive, beautiful, and easy to care for. Come gather inspiration, information and ideas on how to bring nature to your backdoor.

About the Naturalists:

Stephanie Falzone grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and graduated from UCLA with a BS in Environmental Science and a Minor in Conservation Biology. She especially likes frogs and birds, and has enjoyed becoming familiar with eastern bird species and getting to see and hear them every day. She also has a passion for photography and can often be found wandering around the Glen on weekends taking pictures. Learning about the eastern deciduous forest has been a fascinating experience for her, and she is excited about the diversity of wildflowers that are currently blooming in the Glen.

Matthew Herron is from Baton Rouge, LA and holds a BA in English and German from LSU. After graduation Matthew worked in public schools and the local nature center while volunteering as a child mentor and in various wetland restoration projects. His cultural endeavors over the years have ranged from painting, writing poetry and songs to editing a literary magazine and living in Germany and Quebec. Matthew has a great love for natural history and biodiversity and hopes to pursue his masters in place-based, experiential education following this internship.

Title: Birds in Your Back Yard

Description: Learn how to identify birds that are common in Ohio by their size, color, song, and behavior. Observe a wide variety of birds feeding at our bird blind/bird feeding station and get answers to any of your bird related questions. Binoculars available for up-close viewing!

About the Naturalist:

Susan Delfs is from Sioux City, Iowa. Susan graduated in 2009 from Augustana College with a BA in biology. During college, she spent a summer at a biological station, which sparked her interest in environmental education. She is excited to share her knowledge and love of nature as a Glen Helen Intern! Susan also spent a year after college as an Americorps VISTA with a recycling program in Eastern Montana. She enjoys baking, adventures by bicycle, gardening and knitting in her free time.

Title: All About the Weather

Description: Learn about the tools and methods used to explore our local climate and weather systems. Weather permitting, we’ll identify different cloud formations and other changing features of our local climate.

About the Naturalist:

Before arriving at Glen Helen OEC to work as a Naturalist, Peter Moorehouse spent nine months rehabbing Desert Tortoise habitat in Southern California. Peter is thrilled to be back in his home state to witness the beauty of the seasons and share his passion for nature. Peter holds a B.A. in Physical Geography from Kent State University. When he is not exploring the out-of-doors, Peter enjoys playing basketball, mountain biking, and photography.

Title: Tiny Things

Description: Come into the kaleidoscope of nature through hands-on explorations with microscopes, hand lenses, short hikes, and art projects with naturalists Hannah and Kathleen.

About the Naturalists:

Hannah Brewster comes from Plymouth, Massachusetts, where she loved exploring the beaches and pine forests. She now loves exploring all that the Glen has to offer, and works as the Extension Naturalist, leading programs at Trailside Museum and schools throughout Southwest Ohio.

Kathleen Soler comes from Chicago, Illinois, the land of mixed prairie and oak savannas. Exploring the forest is her newly found passion, watching dirt as it forms in tree hollows and underneath rocks. She is a bike fanatic who is fascinated by plant life and pollinators.

Title: Let’s Get Wild

Description: Learn about the interesting wildlife species living in Ohio. Come and touch real animal furs, examine animal skulls, meet one of Glen Helen’s live resident reptiles, and much more!

About the Naturalists:

Margaret Kane is from Illinois and graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University with a degree in Environmental Studies. Last year she served in an Americorps program in Cape Cod, Massachusetts that focused on environmental conservation and education.

Ingrid Brofman is from New York State and graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a wildlife ecology degree. Post-graduation, Ingrid has spent her time backpacking Europe, organic farming in Hawaii, and working for USFWS on the Gulf Coast.

Glen Helen Earth Day Celebration

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Come out to Glen Helen’s nature preserve in Yellow Springs for an entertaining, family-friendly Earth Day celebration on Saturday April 23, 2011. An entire day of activities awaits: our first annual Earth Day 5K Run/Walk fundraiser, an educational Green Fair featuring booths from local farms and environmental organizations, plus a series of free, interactive Earth Day programs led by Glen Helen naturalists.

Race Events run from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and take place on the grounds of the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center and Raptor Center at 1075 State Route 343. Limited parking is available on site, including wheelchair accessible spaces near the activities. If the weather is nice, park at the 405 Corry Street parking lot and enjoy a 20-minute walk in the woods along Inman Trail, walking past famous landmarks like the Yellow Spring and the Cascades. Additional parking is available along St. Rt. 68 at the northern edge of Yellow Springs.

The day kicks off with a free kids fun run at 8:30 a.m. The Yellow Springs Youth Yoga Project will lead a pre-race stretch, and all finishers will receive a native sapling to plant at home. Kids are encouraged to stay afterwards for plenty of fun nature activities. The 5K Run/Walk kicks off promptly at 9 a.m., heading down the scenic Fire Road, around the Pine Forest, and through the School Forest meadow. Chili and cookies await race participants at the finish line. Pre-register for the race online at by noon on Wednesday April 21st or in person starting at 7 a.m. on race day. Proceeds from the race will support preservation and environmental education programs at Glen Helen. The Green Fair will follow the race from noon to 5pm at the Glen Helen Building on 405 Corry Street.

New this year we’re offering a variety of free hands-on, family-friendly nature programs offered by Glen Helen’s Naturalist interns. These interns are nearing the end of their 10-month training program at our Outdoor Education Center and they are enthusiastic about sharing their love of the outdoors with kids of all ages! Programs offered include Fossils of Ohio, Creating Backyard Ecosystems, Let’s Get Wild (an introduction to Ohio wildlife) and Tiny Things (exploring nature with lenses and microscopes). They will also be leading excursions to our bird blind and a visit to our weather station to learn about climate.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A green request from the Glen

Glen Helen Association Members
- we need your e-mail address -

Help us save paper & postage and keep you better informed on events and volunteer opportunities in the Glen. Add your e-mail address to our records by going to and click on “Join Our Email List” (lower left side). If you’re already registered, the link will let you know. We promise not to sell or share your address. And, you can unsubscribe at anytime.

In exchange for helping with our e-mail project, we’ll have a drawing in early June and give 4 lucky GHA members $50 gift certificates for the Winds Café & Bakery.

Winners will be notified by e-mail. If you’re not already a GHA member, follow this link to join.

Thank-you for supporting Glen Helen

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scene Around Town

Folks were lined up in front of Toxic Beauty this morning for National Record Store Day.

Reader submitted

Last night to catch "The Cherry Orchard"

At the Presbyterian Church at 8 p.m.

Get there early to listen to the music. You don't want to miss this one.

Westminster Hall at the church, which will be the beneficiary of the proceeds of these performances, has been transformed by visionary staging. The costumes, lighting and music are all top notch. Even the acoustics, which are the first priority of any renovations to be done, have been improved by the set. But it is the acting that is the real clincher for this production. Marcia Nowik's direction, which takes the play back to the comedic roots of Chekhov's script, and her acting in the lead role, along with a strong supporting cast, make this a truly professional production worthy of a larger venue, and pointing out how theater arts in this town have truly suffered for lack of rehearsal and performance space.

A magical performance. Bravo!

Previous post: Click here.

April showers bring downtown flowers

by Susan Gartner

Evening showers brought beaucoup flowers to those who ventured out last night for April’s Third Friday Fling.

The YS Arts Council Gallery held an opening reception for local photographer Steve Lord (above) and his richly-colored images of trillium, irises, and hibiscus. Steve sold four pieces at the reception---a YSAC record and personal best! This is Steve’s first solo exhibit.

Last night was also the opening reception for Village Artisan’s “A Yellow Spring” exhibit. I’m modeling a hat created by local Jafagirl (“Just Another Fabulous Artist”) Nancy Mellon and the painting is from NOLAA Gallery owner Jennifer Float.

Steve will be in the YSAC Gallery today, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., which is located at 309 Xenia Avenue. Village Artisans is open today 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. and located at 100 Corry Street.

Rogue Guinea Hen sighting

Jenny at the Little Art spotted the rogue Guinea Hen in Kieth's Alley late yesterday afternoon. As it turns out, according to Jenny, there were at least two when this saga started way-back-when, but one was killed by a dog. And there may be more, because sightings are occurring all over town. Yesterday evening, just a couple hours after Jenny called to report her sighting, Amy said she heard the bird in our backyard on Allen as she was locking up the chickens for the night. They make a distinct sound, so she is not likely mistaken.

To recap the places where Super Bird has been potted over the last month to six weeks: It started in the area of Herman St. and Livermore when there were reports of chickens running loose in the area. There soon followed reports of a strange looking bird in the company of two chickens, possibly roosters. A couple weeks later I received a call from the police dispatcher reporting chickens loose in that same area. A couple days later, Linda Rudawski emailed me that there were two chickens hanging around her yard in that neighborhood. I went over and tried to catch them, but was unsuccessful. A few days later she contacted me again about the strange looking bird in her neighbor's yard. I responded with my stepson and we were able to catch it and bring it back to my house on Allen St. But in my backyard, the cage we were holding it in came apart and she flew up into a tree. The next morning she was still there, but eventually disappeared. Within two days, I got a call from Shirley Kristensen on Meadow Lane, reporting that there was a turkey or Pea Hen in her backyard. After she described the bird, I determined that it was the rogue Guinea Hen. I tried on two successive days to catch it before finally giving up. In another day or so Mek Logan on Meadow reported the bird was in his yard. A few days later, Mary White spotted it on President St. and shortly after that Linda Rudowski called to say the bird was back in her neighbor's yard with a different rooster. She emailed a photo. That night I walked the dog over that way and saw the bird, without the rooster.

Most, if not all of this has been reported on the Blog. I'm not sure I know what to make of it. Shades of The Mothman Prophecies, I suppose... Sometimes there have been sightings as far as a half-mile apart within just a few hours. And then there is the business of her traveling companions. My research has told me that Guinea Hens like company and this one certainly seems to manage to find it everywhere she goes. But where are all these loose chickens coming from? While all this has been going on, I have been getting calls and emails about other loose chickens in diverse parts of town. I am happy to report that none of them have been mine.

Lock 'em up tight, folks!

A World A'Fair - May 20-22

Dayton International Festival tickets now available in town at a discount

Tickets to A World A'Fair at the Dayton Convention Center, May 20-22, are available in town from Amy Lee at 767-7048, Adult tickets are $5.00 if purchased in advance ($7.00 at the door); youth tickets (ages 6-18) are $3.00 in advance ($4.00 at the door). Lee is selling tickets in her capacity as Vice President of the Dayton Association of Chinese Americans (DACA). Advance ticket sales from members of participating organizations are available until Thursday, May 13 .

Ticket good for admission to one day of the festival.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dayton Mandolin Orchestra at First Presbyterian

Sunday afternoon

The Dayton Mandolin Orchestra is calling Yellow Springs its new home! We kept the name “Dayton” because we are the reincarnation of the original mandolin orchestra that existed in Dayton circa 1910. Click here to see the photo from that era. There are many Gibson instruments in that photo worth a bundle today.

This is how we look now. We will perform this Sunday, April 17 at 4 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Together with The Cherry Orchard folks, we’re raising money to purchase and install baffles in Westminster Hall. This will improve sound for all the groups who use that space. Admission is $10 for adults, free for children with an adult.

Home, Inc. looking for Program Manager

Position Announcement: Program Manager

Yellow Springs Home, Inc. is seeking a full-time Program Manager to assist the Executive Director. Responsibilities include project and program management, client services, and office management.

For a full job description, visit:

Cover letter and resume submissions are due by May 2nd at noon.

Destination YS

Arts & Culture

Opening Reception of "In Color"
Friday, April 15, 6-9p
YSAC Gallery, 309 Xenia Ave
The exhibit features richly-colored portraits of flowers and birds created by local photographer Steve J. Lord. Extended gallery hours Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., April 16, 23, 30, May 7 and 14.

The Cherry Orchard
Friday & Saturday, April 15 and 16, 8pm
First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Ave.
The Yellow Springs Players performance of an abridged version of Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard featuring music from the Dayton Mandolin Orchestra. Proceeds benefit improvements to the performance space. Tickets are $10 at the door.

Springs' FAM-JAM
Saturday, April 16, 3pm - 12am
Antioch Amphitheatre, 795 Corry Street
In case of rain Antioch South Gym.
Soul Rebels, Wheels, Blue Moon Soup, Kris Hanson Solo Act, Sport Fishing USA, Kuan. $3 adv/ $5 door. All ages. All proceeds benefit YSHS arts program.

YSKP Housewarming Celebration
Saturday, April 16, 7pm
910 Corry St.
$55/person includes 1 beverage; or
Enjoy a Performance Celebration, Good food and beverages, Dancing with DJ Dr Falafel.

Dayton Mandolin Orchestra Concert
Sunday, April 17, 4pm
First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Ave.
Proceeds benefit the improvements to Westminster Hall.
Admission is $10; children are free with an adult.

Nature & Recreation

Kids Wellness Day Celebration
Saturday, April 16, 11am - 3pm
YS Community Childrens' Center, 320 Corry Street
Learn about healthy habits, stress-handling techniques, great nutrition, and tips to raise strong, happy, healthy, high-functioning children; talk to local professionals about ideas for your child to positively navigate through stress, emotions, & developmental changes as they grow. For Info - 767-7251

In Glen Helen

Saturday, April 16
Full Moon Hike
9-10:30 pm; Yellow Springs Parking Lot off of St. Rt. 343.

Wildflower Hike
1 pm; 2 hour, moderate intensity. Trailside Museum.

Raptor Center Earth Day Program
2-4 pm; Release of a red-tailed hawk; Raptor Center, St. Rt. 343

Sunday, April 17

Vernal Pool Exploration Hike
9-10:30 pm; explore pools and springs; Trailside Museum

Coming up Next Weekend

Glen Helen Earth Day 5k
Saturday, April 23, 8:30am
Outdoor Education Center
Race, Run, Walk, but don't miss our first annual 5K for all ages and abilities. Youth race at 8:30. 5k run at 9am, winding through the Glen; award ceremony with chili and cookies by the Outdoor Education Center. Race day registration opens at 7am for $25.

Earth Day Green Fair
Saturday, April 23, 12-5 pm
Glen Helen Building - 405 Corry St.
20 Booths · Kids Activities · Face Painting · Bike Clinic

Earth Day Wood Firing Celebration
Saturday, April 23, 7:30pm
John Bryan Community Pottery, 100 Dayton St.

Dedication & Refreshments. Kiln loading and stoking all weekend.

The Soldier's Tale
Saturday, April 23, 7:30 pm
Antioch College South Gym
Music, Dance, Theatre Performance

Young's Dairy Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 24, 2 pm
Udders & Putters Driving Range
Over 4,000 eggs. Show up early - this is a popular event.

April 15 Weekend

Peach's Grill
9 am - 2:30 am, Music 10p
Friday - Sawgrass ($5)
Saturday - Fnu Lnu, Ocean Ghosts
and Tyrd Fyrgysyn the MasterXploders. ($6) Greenon
High Night; bring proof of
graduation for free admittance.

Sunrise Cafe
Martini & Tapas Bar
Friday & Saturday
9:00 pm - 2:30 am

Little Art Theatre
Cedar Rapids
The People Speak
Saturday, 3pm Free Screening

Local Food Brandeberry Winery
5118 W. Jackson Rd.
Wine for tasting & purchase.
Open Th, Fr, Sa at 12pm

Farmer's Markets
Kings Yard & Corner Cone
Saturdays, 7am - 12pm
Both on Walnut St.

Yellow Springer to appear on ABC's "Shark Tank"

8 p.m. tonight (Friday)

Jan Augenstein, owner of FridgeFronts, will appear on the April 15 airing of "Shark Tank," a television show where four hopeful entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of "sharks" who are willing to invest their own money, but only for the right person and the right product.

Fairborn Daily Herald: Woman to swin with "sharks'

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rocky & Pee Wee: Read my lips!

Tecumseh Land Trust Jazz Event

Spring into Jazz with TLT at Season's Bistro & Grille. Enjoy an evening of live jazz music by Par Tolliver and Dean Simms and hearty appetizers featuring local food. Tickets are $40 - on sale now through TLT and Season's.

Hawk Release

Glen Helen Raptor Center hosts Earth Day Program and Hawk Release
2:00 pm, Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Glen Helen Raptor Center is celebrating its annual Earth Day Program and Raptor Release on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 2:00 pm at the Raptor Center at 1075 State Route 343 in Yellow Springs.

Tour the Center and meet our staff, and enjoy a special program with our raptors, including the release of a red-tailed hawk. Parking is limited, so you may want to park at the main Glen Helen lot at 405 Corry Street, and enjoy a walk through the Glen to get to the Center. The program starts promptly at 2:00 PM, so don’t miss it.

'In Color' in town

The Yellow Springs Arts Council presents an Opening Reception of In Color by photographer Steve J. Lord, on Friday, April 15, 6- 9 p.m. at the YSAC Gallery, 309 Xenia Avenue. The exhibit features richly-colored portraits of flowers and birds, photographed and converted to grey-scale, then digitally colored. Lord's work explores the effect of limited palette on perception of the complete color spectrum. Extended gallery hours are Saturdays, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., April 16, 23, 30, May 7 and 14. For more information or to schedule a private viewing, e-mail the photographer at For more information about YSAC, visit

The Cherry Orchard - last two nights

The Yellow Springs Players will present the last two performances of Anton Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Firday and Saturday nights. This abridged production of the classic play will be performed on April 15th and 16th at 8:00 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the first Presbyterian Church. Come early and catch some music by the Dayton Mandolin Orchestra. Box office proceeds will be used to help create a performance arts space in the hall, in particular, raising funds to install sound baffles on the ceiling and walls to improve the acoustic quality of the space. Support the effort to bring back community theater to Yellow Springs.

Produced by Kay Reimers; directed by Marcia Nowik. I have been hearing rave reviews from local theater people and had a chance to see part of this very professional production in dress rehearsal. I plan to be there Friday night.

Ticket prices are $10 with additional donations welcomed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free Permaculture Lecture

Click on image to enlarge.

At the Library, Thursday

Click on image to enlarge.

Bench to Nowhere: Contemplate this!

A Cool Town Toon

Free ‘Soldier’s Tale’ Performance

at Antioch College on April 23

Concert unveils famous Stravinsky story through lens of Kurt Vonnegut

The Johnstone Fund for New Music will present a concert performance of Igor Stravinsky's Soldier's Tale score and Kurt Vonnegut libretto in a contemporary music, theater and dance presentation at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, in South Gym at Antioch College, One Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

Based on a Russian folk tale, The Soldier’s Tale, also known as L'histoire du soldat,follows a deserting soldier who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for a book that predicts the future. The virtuosic score that Igor Stravinsky composed for The Soldier’s Tale in 1918 has been re-conceptualized many times. In 1993, novelist Kurt Vonnegut revamped the story to explore the life of Eddie Slovik, the only American soldier executed for desertion in World War II, and the first since the Civil War.

This performance was coordinated by nonprofit recital seriesSunday at Central, features Columbus Symphony musicians, and is made possible by major funding from the Johnstone Fund for New Music. The ensemble features David Niwa, violin; Gary Wasserman, bass; Robert Jones, clarinet; Betsy Sturdevant, bassoon; Tom Battenberg, cornet; Rich Howenstein, trombone; Bill Lutz, percussion; and conductor Olev Viro. Collaborating with the musicians are area director and choreographer Rani Deighe Crowe, and Melissa Heston, and ensemble featuring Keiffer Erdmann, Brendan Sheehan,, Melissa Heston, and Skip Leeds.

Free parking is available behind the Olive Kettering Library, 260 E. South College Street.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

YSKP Housewarming Fundraiser Celebration, Saturday

We hope that many of you are planning on coming to the Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse Housewarming Fundraiser Celebration this Saturday April 16th at 7PM at the Playhouse, our new home on the Antioch College campus. We have put together a wonderful evening of performance, good food, and good dancing.

Our performers include Bruce Cromer, Louise Smith, Walter Rhoades, Kevin Mulhall, Libby Scancarello, and the whole cast of the Yellow Springs High School’s upcoming production of Chicago, 23 of whom are YSKP alumns.

As you know, the YSKP has provided quality arts education programming for the children and youth in this area for the past sixteen years. We rely on the generous support of patrons who recognize the unique value of arts education in our children's lives.

Our outside funding has been significantly lower this year. But with a successful fundraiser YSKP will be able to continue the unique and exciting programming that has been our hallmark for over 16 years.

Hope you can make it and please spread the word.

For more information please call the YSKP at 767-7800.

Nadia Malarkey
On behalf of the YSKP Board of Trustees

MTFR planning for new digs

The Miami Township Board of Trustees recently awarded a contract to Michael Schuster Associates (MSA) Architects of Cincinnati to perform a master planning study towards the replacement of the current Yellow Springs fire station and township administration offices. The contracted services will cost up to $24,000 and will be completed this summer.

The master planning study is designed to assist the Township in reviewing the overall service needs for the fire station and developing sound criteria whereby the township can assess and select the most effective location for a new fire station and township administration office. The goal is to locate a potential new facility in a way that minimizes response time to the majority of residents. Once appropriate sites are identified, MSA will prepare initial concept diagrams for each site and review potential over all costs and benefits analysis. Each site will have a corresponding response map. This information will allow the Trustees to determine the feasibility of moving forward with the project.

The current approximately 7,000 ft2 fire station and township office was built in 1955 and added on to in phases over the years and poses many problems. Fire department apparatus purchasing is limited due to size constraints; there are substandard living spaces for volunteers and part-time staff who work overnight shifts; and administrative, training and public spaces are inadequate. Additionally, five township officials share one room within the station affording them little effective space with which to conduct their business.

According to Chief Colin Altman, a potential new home for the township will be more than just a building. “We want to create a whole new sense of place, which will be a source of civic pride and a gathering place for the entire township community.” MSA will conduct a public meeting during the study to solicit public input.

MSA Architects was founded in 1985 and provides comprehensive services in architecture, interior design, planning and environmental graphics. The firm has designed government buildings and fire station throughout Ohio, including facilities in Fairborn, Vandalia, Mason and Granville.

Saturday at Clifton Opera House

The Clifton Opera House will host the Razzamatazz N Jazz band on Saturday, April 16th. This traditional preservation style jazz band is a local favorite and appears regularly at the Opera House every April. They have performed all over the US and continue to make their audiences happy... to quote them ..."the happiest music in the world" ...JAZZ..! The show starts at 7:30pm, box office opens at 6:30pm. Tickets are $7.00 The Clifton Opera House is located at 5 So Clay & SR 343 in Clifton, OH. Call 937.767.2343 for more information.

Back by popular demand

Saturday, April 16 at 3 PM

On Saturday, April 16 at 3:00 p.m. the Little Art Theatre will present a free screening of the documentary movie “The People Speak”

According to Jenny at the Little Art, "We had a packed house for our screening on 4/3 and so are bringing the film back for one more screening this Saturday at 3 PM."

"The People Speak" is a beautiful and moving film inspired by Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States. Zinn is the narrator.

Using dramatic and musical performances, the production gives voice to those who spoke up for social change, equality and justice. Hear the words of those who forged a nation from the bottom up.

Featured performers include Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Marisa Tomei, Morgan Freeman, Viggo Mortensen, Danny Glover and Sean Penn., among many others.

Musicians include Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Allison Moorer, John Legend and Pink.

Co-produced by Matt Damon, Chris Moore, Howard Zinn and Josh Brolin.

From Jenny at the Little Art:

Admission to see this wonderful film is FREE thanks to Ken and Margo Bode.

From the Box Office Window:

“From the moment that we had any kind of influence in this town, we were trying to get this project off the ground.” - Matt Damon

The People Speak is a beautiful and moving film inspired by Howard Zinn’s books “A People’s History of the United States”-first published in 1980 and one of the bestselling history books in the United States-and, with Anthony Arnove, “Voices of a People’s History of the United States.” Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday people, the documentary feature film THE PEOPLE SPEAK gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice. Narrated by acclaimed historian Howard Zinn and based on his best-selling books, THE PEOPLE SPEAK illustrates the relevance of these passionate historical moments to our society today and reminds us never to take liberty for granted. 113 minutes. Not Rated.

THE PEOPLE SPEAK is produced by Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Chris Moore, Anthony Arnove, and Howard Zinn, co-directed by Moore, Arnove and Zinn, and features dramatic and musical performances by Allison Moorer, Benjamin Bratt, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Chris Robinson, Christina Kirk, Danny Glover, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, David Strathairn, Don Cheadle, Eddie Vedder, Harris Yulin, Jasmine Guy, John Legend, Josh Brolin, Kathleen Chalfant, Kerry Washington, Lupe Fiasco, Marisa Tomei, Martín Espada, Matt Damon, Michael Ealy, Mike O’Malley, Morgan Freeman, P!nk, Q’orianka Kilcher, Reg E. Cathey, Rich Robinson, Rosario Dawson, Sandra Oh, Sean Penn, Staceyann Chin, and Viggo Mortensen.

CHRIS MOORE (Producer) co-directed and executive produced the Howard Zinn documentary The People Speak. His filmography includes the highly successful series of American Pie films, Reindeer Games, Joyride, the documentary Pop and Me and the Academy Award®-winning Good Will Hunting. Chris was co-creator of HBO’s Project Greenlight. In 2008, he directed his first feature film, Kill Theory. Most recently, he produced The Adjustment Bureau staring Matt Damon. Moore received a BA in American History from Harvard University.

“Striking, exhilarating... the performances are thrilling.”—Los Angeles Times
“The documentary... works beautifully... Each passionate reading flows out of the previous one.”—Boston Globe

“So much of Mr. Zinn’s career, reflected in his “People’s History of the United States” book, has been about the struggle for social change... Some of the readings, like Ms. Tomei’s, are especially resonant now, given the perceptible anger in the country about banks and bailouts. “That’s by design,” Mr. Damon said. “What they were up against oftentimes are exactly the same things we’re up against now.”—New York Times

“This is the perfect format for a history lesson. You’re getting the actual historical text verbatim, so there’s no spin, performed by these great actors. You’re seeing actors read these incredibly dramatic passages in the history of our country, so it’s not at all about, ‘Oh, it’s Sean Penn reading this,’ “ Damon says. “It’s more like, ‘Wow, this is Kevin Tillman talking.’ Or it’s David Strathairn, but he’s now John Brown. These are all speeches and letters and diary entries and things that were actually said by regular people. That’s what’s so moving about it. History is intimidating. There’s so much to know. If I could go back to college again, I would be a history major. I think it’s important for all of us to learn at a young age that there are different perspectives on the same event.” —Matt Damon.