I just got a call from YSPD informing me that three chickens (tw0 red and one black and gray) are running loose at the corner of S. High and Limestone Streets. They would appreciate it if the owner would retrieve them and return them to safety ASAP. For more information, call the non-emergency number: 767-7206.
Do you know where your chickens are?
I love that YSPD calls you, Virgil, when there are chickens on the loose.
The officer said that he was told I was the "go to" guy for all matters concerning chickens.
Got this in an email from a reader:
I saw the chicken post...3 birds with that coloring described used to hang out by a field right before Jackson Rd on Pole Cat they were roosters ...I asked various farmers at the market if anyone could take them and was told they were probably dumped just like a cat or dog gets dumped because they become a problem in the hen house???
This is a frequent problem. Most keepers of a backyard flock don't want roosters and don't know what to do with them.
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