79 readers participated and, of the two options, upgrading our present facility or purchasing water from Springfield, upgrading our own water treatment plant won by the narrow margin of five votes (42-37). I think we learned that there is significant interest in the future of the village's water supply and that there is no consensus at this point on how to proceed. The comments to the original post kept coming in during the polling and are probably more interesting than the vote.
You can check out the original post and comments by clicking here.
79 people is a very small percentage of the population.
What I take out of that fact is that most people don't really have an opinion one way or the other.
Relative to the number of people that read this blog and given that the holiday season is one of low traffic, this is actually a pretty high number.
But Harvey what does that mean, you dont suggest that so many people read your blog that 79 is a reflective number. If you do then not many people read your blog which I imagine is true.
On a good day 350 people read my blog. During the holidays, I wouldn't be surprised if that number were more like 100. 79 out of 100 certainly doesn't mean "that most people don't really have an opinion one way or another." Even if the number were 79/300, it wouldn't necessarily reflect a lack of interest. I'm sure most people are waiting until they have more information. It's simply an informal poll to get the discussion going. When the issue really heats up later in the year, and we have more information, I will probably do another one.
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