The Wall St. Journal recently had a front page article about e-cigarettes. It’s a battery powered device that converts liquid nicotine into a mist you can inhale. I guess we’ll soon be hearing about e-breaks for an e-smoke.
Seems to me this e-thing has gotten a bit out of e-control. Let’s see: e-mail, e-banking, e-dating, e-commerce, e-tickets, e-bills, e-zines, e-books, e-friends and so on. We’re probably not too far away from e-wine, e-chocolate, e-walks and I can hardly wait to sit down with my e-coffee to read the morning e-news.
As a one person e-protest, I walked e-naked through town yesterday – not a single electronic device on my body, not even car keys. People e-stared but it was exhilarating to be free of wires, batteries, clip-ons and ear buds. A few people yelled at me to “get an e-life” but for now, I’m keeping my real life with maybe some occasional e-streaking.
A. Reader
Good for you! We could all use more e-naked time.
I do know someone using these and she said it is helping her to slowly kick the addiction to nicotine.
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