A few days ago I asked my wife if she noticed that over the last few years I had become a classy guy. The “are you kidding” expression gave away her answer so I went on to point out some obvious clues she must have missed.
“Do you recall the two week search in every store for my favorite shampoo? I finally found it and it’s now labeled ‘classic.’”
“Well, I’m wearing classic fit jeans, classic tennis shoes, classic button down shirts and classic briefs. In other words, I’m a classic from head to toe.”
With a look of pity, she says, “Classy and classic are not the same thing – go look it up.”
So I turned to my classic Webster hardback dictionary, the one with the onion skin pages, and read that classy means “of high quality, stylish, elegant”. That’s exactly what I was talking about.
Then I read that classic, among other things, means “an article, as of clothing, unchanging in style.” I guess that means I’m reliable.
I go back to my wife, now walking with a bit more swagger, and tell her what I found in Webster.
She patiently explains that classic really means old, out of date, unchanging and in a rut. “They only continue producing the stuff you like because you won’t give up.”
“ OK, I’m going to go out and buy some faded jeans with pre-made holes, a silk muscle shirt and some ‘new age’ boxer shorts – then we’ll see who’s classy.”
Her last comment on the subject was, “That’s scary. Maybe you should just stay with the classic look.”
I consider that a win.
A. Reader
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