Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year, Yellow Springs
By Susan Gartner
Thank you, Yellow Springs, for supplying me with another year of fun memories and photojournalist opportunities. The nicest compliment is when someone tells me, "You're everywhere!"
I try to be.
Thanks to the supporters and readers of this Blog and all who have sent in submissions to be posted. A YS Blog covers a lot of ground because of you. Keep it up and tell your friends!
And especially thanks to Blog editor, Virgil Hervey, for his dedication to the Blog and his hard chicken news --- both of which have opened up a whole new world for me.

I try to be.
Thanks to the supporters and readers of this Blog and all who have sent in submissions to be posted. A YS Blog covers a lot of ground because of you. Keep it up and tell your friends!
And especially thanks to Blog editor, Virgil Hervey, for his dedication to the Blog and his hard chicken news --- both of which have opened up a whole new world for me.
Messiah Sing-Along

Photo by Susan Gartner
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Future Chess Masters?

Reader submitted.
Destination YS

New Years In the Springs!
New Year's Eve Ball Drop
A classic Yellow Springs celebration when folks gather
to celebrate the New Year at the Short St. Ball Drop.
It's just like Times Square...or at least the Yellow Springs
Come for dinner at The Sunrise Cafe, then attend the Ball Drop. Afterward, party at Peach's or head back to the Sunrise, both will be featuring live music and are open late. Then stay right downtown at The Arthur Morgan House. Ring in the New Year Springs style!
December 31 Weekend
Peach's Grill
Friday- Ark Band
New Years Eve Party
Saturday- DJ Clean Gene
Sunrise Cafe
New Year's Martini Lounge
Party with DJ Dr. Falafel
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Messiah Sing-along, Dec. 30
The Yellow Springs Community Chorus holds it's semi-annual Messiah Sing-along for the Community on Thursday Dec. 30, 7:00 pm in the Methodist Church sanctuary. The evening will consist of solos and choruses from Part 1, and favorite choruses from Parts 2 and 3, including the "Hallelujah" Chorus. All singing will be accompanied by members of the YS Chamber Orchestra, and YSCC accompanist Mary Fahrenbruck.
The event is open to all who would like to sing. Bring your own score if you have one. The YSCC will have extra music on hand for those who need it. If you're thinking of joining the chorus, this is a great way to test the waters!
ADMISSION IS FREE, donations will be accepted.
The event is open to all who would like to sing. Bring your own score if you have one. The YSCC will have extra music on hand for those who need it. If you're thinking of joining the chorus, this is a great way to test the waters!
ADMISSION IS FREE, donations will be accepted.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Buzzzzz (Part 1)
The back story…..
Many years ago we were driving from Ft. Myers to Orlando and stopped in the small town of La Belle, Florida. My mother had told us that was the place to buy really good Florida honey. We pulled over at a small roadside market, not impressive from the outside, but the inside was packed with honey jars – orange blossom, eucalyptus, wildflower, palmetto, and more that I don’t remember.
After reading a few labels and tasting several varieties, I was still confused about how they knew what kind of honey it was. So I asked the guy behind the counter how they got the bees matched up with the type of nectar they were collecting. He looked at me for a long time and finally managed a smile of sympathy reserved only for the very ignorant, and then he told me, “It depends on where the hives are located. Put the hives near an orange grove and you get orange blossom honey – go figure.”
My bee knowledge hasn’t improved much over the years, but I do know they make honey for my tea, they sting if you bother them, they are a critical part of the agriculture process, and they are being seriously threatened by Colony Collapse Disorder which no one understands yet. Even though I don’t know much about bees, I like to watch them working the flowers around the house during the summer months.
Earlier this year, with only a little prodding, I joined my wife for a day-long “bee” program sponsored by the local OSU Extension Office. The program involved beekeepers and apiary experts talking about the “how-to’s,” the challenges and the rewards of having a beehive in the backyard. I really enjoyed the seminar and walked away with a much greater appreciation for that dollop of honey in my evening tea.
Today’s story….
A few days ago, the UPS guy deposited 5 good-sized boxes in our driveway. After getting them wrestled into the garage, I asked the boss what she ordered.
She told me it was my Christmas/birthday present. “A beekeeping starter set. Everything you need, including one of those cute white beekeeper suits with the white pith helmet. Some assembly required and then all you need are the bees – I’ll let you figure that part out.”
I’m wondering if this was on my Christmas list or my bucket list or some other list that I had forgotten. “How did you decide this is what I needed?”
“Last summer you said it might be fun to have a beehive in the backyard.”
I’m thinking, “That’s it? One casual passing remark and now I’m a beekeeper? What if I had said Llamas look interesting?” What I actually said aloud was, “Thank-you for a very thoughtful gift. I can hardly wait until summer gets here.”
I searched through the five boxes in the beekeeper’s starter set and found a 1258 page instruction manual….to bee continued.
The Blog welcomes reader submissions.
Many years ago we were driving from Ft. Myers to Orlando and stopped in the small town of La Belle, Florida. My mother had told us that was the place to buy really good Florida honey. We pulled over at a small roadside market, not impressive from the outside, but the inside was packed with honey jars – orange blossom, eucalyptus, wildflower, palmetto, and more that I don’t remember.
After reading a few labels and tasting several varieties, I was still confused about how they knew what kind of honey it was. So I asked the guy behind the counter how they got the bees matched up with the type of nectar they were collecting. He looked at me for a long time and finally managed a smile of sympathy reserved only for the very ignorant, and then he told me, “It depends on where the hives are located. Put the hives near an orange grove and you get orange blossom honey – go figure.”
My bee knowledge hasn’t improved much over the years, but I do know they make honey for my tea, they sting if you bother them, they are a critical part of the agriculture process, and they are being seriously threatened by Colony Collapse Disorder which no one understands yet. Even though I don’t know much about bees, I like to watch them working the flowers around the house during the summer months.
Earlier this year, with only a little prodding, I joined my wife for a day-long “bee” program sponsored by the local OSU Extension Office. The program involved beekeepers and apiary experts talking about the “how-to’s,” the challenges and the rewards of having a beehive in the backyard. I really enjoyed the seminar and walked away with a much greater appreciation for that dollop of honey in my evening tea.
Today’s story….
A few days ago, the UPS guy deposited 5 good-sized boxes in our driveway. After getting them wrestled into the garage, I asked the boss what she ordered.
She told me it was my Christmas/birthday present. “A beekeeping starter set. Everything you need, including one of those cute white beekeeper suits with the white pith helmet. Some assembly required and then all you need are the bees – I’ll let you figure that part out.”
I’m wondering if this was on my Christmas list or my bucket list or some other list that I had forgotten. “How did you decide this is what I needed?”
“Last summer you said it might be fun to have a beehive in the backyard.”
I’m thinking, “That’s it? One casual passing remark and now I’m a beekeeper? What if I had said Llamas look interesting?” What I actually said aloud was, “Thank-you for a very thoughtful gift. I can hardly wait until summer gets here.”
I searched through the five boxes in the beekeeper’s starter set and found a 1258 page instruction manual….to bee continued.
The Blog welcomes reader submissions.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Back Story: People and their dogs
Long ago, I came to the conclusion that dog owners are nuts. In Manhattan, for instance, it seems the smaller one's apartment, the bigger the dog that lives there. All this in an environment where there is limited space for the animal to do its business.
Many years ago, a law was passed and "Curb Your Dog" signs popped up everywhere. Obviously, that wasn't going to fix much. I can remember a blistering summer day on Sutton Place South, one of New York's ritziest neighborhoods, when the odor was so bad it caused me to wonder where it would all end. This couldn't be good for one's health, I concluded.
Someone on City Council must have agreed with me, because they finally passed a "pooper scooper" law and those elegant ladies on Sutton Place were required to take their dog's droppings home with them in a baggie. You can bet that soon be came a job for the doorman or the chauffeur. The law was controversial and oft violated when it went into effect in 1978, but it nevertheless brought about a noticeable improvement in sidewalk aroma. It did not, however, bring about a decline in the number or size of its canine targets. New Yorkers muddled through, as they always do.
I have a friend who lives in a two bedroom apartment in a luxury building on the Upper East Side who has two Doberman Pincers and a Dachshund. Somehow, I doubt that Mike carries a pocket full of sandwich bags with him when he takes his dogs out for a stroll. Just recently, the New York Post ran an article on the neighborhoods where the "pooper scooper" law is most frequently violated.
Fast forward to the year 2000 and our move to Ohio. If I thought New Yorkers were nuts with their dogs, I was in for a rude awakening. It started when we moved next door to a house with a barking dog. The woman who owned the scraggly mutt was hearing impaired, so she couldn't hear it begging to be brought back into the house at three in the morning. Then there were the people who brought their dogs to the outdoor concerts in Shawnee Park in Xenia. The barking and chasing of the ducks seemed to bother only me. And the folks who took their dogs to the flea markets and the street fairs, it seemed they took them with them everywhere.
In the ten years we have been here, the laws have tightened up a bit, just when we got a dog and the appeal of taking her with us everywhere has finally become apparent. I doubt that I would want to take her to the Yellow Springs Street Fair; too crowded. But the flea market..? Yeah, I probably would. The concerts in the park..? Maybe. What the heck, if everybody else is doing it...
What's a poor fellow to do with his dog, nowadays, especially when the snow cover refuses to recede?
The answer is PetSmart. The folks at the large pet supply chain allow you to bring your dog into the store on a leash. It's a great way to socialize your new puppy by letting her meet other dogs and their owners. It's also a good way to get her out of the house, no matter what the weather. It's a veritable indoor dog park with clean up stations. And they offer grooming and obedience training.
If other pet stores are not doing this, they should. It's good business. Get the customers into the store to browse and they are likely to engage in impulse buying, especially pet owners. There is an endless supply of expensive animal paraphernalia.
We have had super pup for three weeks and have already been to the PetSmart in Beavercreek three times; with the dog, of course. And she has never failed to stop the show.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Destination YS

This Holiday Season
Enjoy spending time with Family and Friends
as our local business owners will be doing also.
Then on Sunday and for the rest of the week,
come to Yellow Springs for...
Shopping, Dining, Exploring
Nearly 100 shops, galleries & restaurants within 2 miles;
over 65 right in our lovely, walk-able downtown.
Glen Helen with miles of beautiful trails and the Yellow Spring.
The Little Miami Scenic Trail for safe and scenic bike rides.
2 Shopping Days for Unique Gift Items
Most locations will close before 6 on Christmas Eve
and open again on Sunday and be open regular hours
through New Year's Eve when most again will close
early. It is best to call the Yellow Springs Chamber
or a specific business for details on holiday hours.
December 24 Weekend
Peach's Grill
Friday- Regular hours, no music
Saturday- Bar Opens at 7
Roots Rock Reggae
New Year's Eve Party
Brother Bear's Cafe
Closed Christmas Eve at 2 &
Christmas Day
Sunrise Cafe
Closed Christmas Eve at 2 &
Christmas Day
New Year's Martini Lounge
Party with DJ Dr. Falafel
Little Art Holiday
Little Art Theatre
Closed Christmas Eve &
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve Show at 7
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Art piece in honor of the Solstice
Home, Inc. Open House

Photo by Susan Gartner
Chen's food pantry helpers
Big Thanks
To all of the volunteers & the participants
From Chen’s Asian Bistro- Jenny Chen
-Steven & Megan Hamilton
-Gail Trippett
From Import House-Cyndee Perkins
-Tobi Dawson
-Abigail Dawson
From Miami Township Fire Rescue
-Chief Colin Altman
-Chris Kitts
-Zak Kimmet
From Peach’s-Mathew Willis
From Eric Siemer’s Family-Ron & Pat Siemer
From Friends-Rene Dawn
LeRoy&Kathleen McCloud,Christian Olvera,
Alice,Linda,Wanita Murphy,Virginia Mick,
Mary Morgon, West Freeman,Jodi & Corine Chiaten,
Bradtmiller & Cotton, Ryan Kimmet, Juile & James Rose,
Beth & Andy Holyoke, Bill & Whitney Sykes,
Dave,Wendy,June,Solomon Shemano.
Deborah Fugett, John Neff,
Doug & Christine Roberts
Thank You!
To all of the volunteers & the participants
From Chen’s Asian Bistro- Jenny Chen
-Steven & Megan Hamilton
-Gail Trippett
From Import House-Cyndee Perkins
-Tobi Dawson
-Abigail Dawson
From Miami Township Fire Rescue
-Chief Colin Altman
-Chris Kitts
-Zak Kimmet
From Peach’s-Mathew Willis
From Eric Siemer’s Family-Ron & Pat Siemer
From Friends-Rene Dawn
LeRoy&Kathleen McCloud,Christian Olvera,
Alice,Linda,Wanita Murphy,Virginia Mick,
Mary Morgon, West Freeman,Jodi & Corine Chiaten,
Bradtmiller & Cotton, Ryan Kimmet, Juile & James Rose,
Beth & Andy Holyoke, Bill & Whitney Sykes,
Dave,Wendy,June,Solomon Shemano.
Deborah Fugett, John Neff,
Doug & Christine Roberts
Thank You!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Local writer's story on WYSO
A Scott Geisel short story to be read on Christmas Eve
Mary Donahoe has recorded a reading of Scott Geisel's Christmas story set in a fictionalized version of Yellow Springs. The story appears in the recently released collection Christmas Stories from Ohio, which includes historical and contemporary Ohio writers. WYSO will air the reading, followed by a brief interview with the author, at 8pm on Christmas Eve.
Related post: Yellow Springs in radio reading
Mary Donahoe has recorded a reading of Scott Geisel's Christmas story set in a fictionalized version of Yellow Springs. The story appears in the recently released collection Christmas Stories from Ohio, which includes historical and contemporary Ohio writers. WYSO will air the reading, followed by a brief interview with the author, at 8pm on Christmas Eve.
Related post: Yellow Springs in radio reading
CJ's Southern Cookin is considering closing
Lack of working capital cited as major factor
According to CJ's owners Jim Zehner and Carl Moore, the delays and expenses involved in opening the restaurant chewed up much more of the original investment capital than expected. "We had the choice back in July of not opening at all and losing everything we put into it, or trying to tough it out without enough capital and fight the odds.", according to Moore and Zehner. "We are glad we decided to go forward. Feeding people good food and sending them off full and happy is a joyous experience. It is definitely worth it"
There are some bright spots on the horizon for early next year. "We have begun to reach out more effectively to Central State and Wilberforce Universities and foresee growth in sales there." said Moore and Zehner. "Thanks to some VERY generous assistance from some good customers, we will be able to advertise far more widely in areas outside Yellow Springs."
In spite of these bright spots, the lack of cash might make those opportunities moot.
We want to move forward but probably won't be able to do so without help. If you are a CJ's customer and like what we're trying to do, we need your help. If you are not a CJ's customer, stop in and see what we have to offer.
Thanks everyone!
According to CJ's owners Jim Zehner and Carl Moore, the delays and expenses involved in opening the restaurant chewed up much more of the original investment capital than expected. "We had the choice back in July of not opening at all and losing everything we put into it, or trying to tough it out without enough capital and fight the odds.", according to Moore and Zehner. "We are glad we decided to go forward. Feeding people good food and sending them off full and happy is a joyous experience. It is definitely worth it"
There are some bright spots on the horizon for early next year. "We have begun to reach out more effectively to Central State and Wilberforce Universities and foresee growth in sales there." said Moore and Zehner. "Thanks to some VERY generous assistance from some good customers, we will be able to advertise far more widely in areas outside Yellow Springs."
In spite of these bright spots, the lack of cash might make those opportunities moot.
We want to move forward but probably won't be able to do so without help. If you are a CJ's customer and like what we're trying to do, we need your help. If you are not a CJ's customer, stop in and see what we have to offer.
Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Thanks from the Food Pantry

A special “thank-you” to Chamber of Commerce members, Tom’s Market and New Liberty Farms for their donation to support our local food pantry. Tom’s provided turkeys for Thanksgiving and New Liberty Farms is donating chickens for Christmas. Another reason to support our local vendors - they are great neighbors.
YS Community Food Pantry
Located in the basement of the Methodist Church
The Antioch Nursery circa 1933 - Fourth & Final Clip
The fourth and last of four short clips from the archives of Yellow Springs Community Access Television
If you recognize yourself or anyone you know in these clips, please let us know.
Messiah Sing-along, Dec. 30
The Yellow Springs Community Chorus holds it's semi-annual Messiah Sing-along for the Community on Thursday Dec. 30, 7:00 pm in the Methodist Church sanctuary. The evening will consist of solos and choruses from Part 1, and favorite choruses from Parts 2 and 3, including the "Hallelujah" Chorus. All singing will be accompanied by members of the YS Chamber Orchestra, and YSCC accompanist Mary Fahrenbruck.
The event is open to all who would like to sing. Bring your own score if you have one. The YSCC will have extra music on hand for those who need it. If you're thinking of joining the chorus, this is a great way to test the waters!
ADMISSION IS FREE, donations will be accepted.
The event is open to all who would like to sing. Bring your own score if you have one. The YSCC will have extra music on hand for those who need it. If you're thinking of joining the chorus, this is a great way to test the waters!
ADMISSION IS FREE, donations will be accepted.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Longing for some carrot cake
Looking for the homesick chef
A reader asked for help in locating the "homesick chef" from the YS Farmer's Market.
"...her carrot cakes are beyond compare," she wrote. "I want to order one and time is running out."
If you know the "homesick chef" or know how to contact her, please contact the Blog at
A reader asked for help in locating the "homesick chef" from the YS Farmer's Market.
"...her carrot cakes are beyond compare," she wrote. "I want to order one and time is running out."
If you know the "homesick chef" or know how to contact her, please contact the Blog at
Back Story: What is it with me and animals?

My first pet as an adult was a black long-hair cat named Herman that we had found in a litter in a barn in Northern Massachusetts. Herman was so smart it was scary. He bonded with me like no other pet I've ever had. The first year we had him, we lived in Newport, Rhode Island. I would let him outside to roam the backyards of the old wood-frame houses in the neighborhood where we lived. He never failed to come when I called him, except on the day we were moving away. Somehow he knew, and I had a devil of a time getting him home and into the car. I could always tell how far away he was by the dogs barking in the backyards he passed through on his way home. There were other cats we had and loved over the years in New York while my kids were growing up, but none of them ever matched up to Herman.
Fast forward to Yellow Springs, Ohio. Here we are living like farmers. Our first couple years in this house were pet free. But, over the past six years, we have had dozens of chickens we raised like pets, a couple parakeets, a love bird and a parrotlet, all in violation of Amy's "no-pet" policy. And now there's the dog, the little dingo baby that has already figured me out and wrapped me around her little toe. Has she talked to the other animals? What could they have told her?
Here is what they might have said: The man is a soft touch. The more mischievous you get, the more he will scoop you up in his arms and cover you with kisses. Bad behavior rarely goes unrewarded. If you do anything right, it will be because you feel sorry for the poor sap and decide to cut him some slack. After all, he is a nice guy and it's almost as much fun to make him smile as it is to exasperate him. Bottom line: within two weeks, you will be running the show.
The other day, I was standing in the middle of the kitchen with two birds on my shoulders and a puppy at my feet. The birds had come to see what the little dog was all about and decided he was okay. There was some chatter between them, puppy yelps and bird calls. Soon the parottlet was kissing my cheek while the love bird was biting holes in my shirt and the puppy was nipping at my toes.
"I'm under siege," I told Amy.
"This picture says it all," she said.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Snow Buddha appears outside Bro Bear's
Chen's to help with food drive
For the first time in seven years Chen's will be open 5-8 p.m. (one day only)
Tues., Dec. 21st. 5-8 p.m.Chen's Asian Bistro,126 Dayton St. will be taking donations for the Yellow Springs Food Pantry. Chen's is offering delivery to local homes and businesses in exchange for donations to the pantry. Food and monetary donations will be accepted. Proceeds for dine-in, carry-out and deliveries will go to the pantry.
Volunteers are needed to make the deliveries and collect donations.
For more information or to volunteer, please call Jenny Chen at
767-9999 or Tobi Dawson at 398-4655.
Tues., Dec. 21st. 5-8 p.m.Chen's Asian Bistro,126 Dayton St. will be taking donations for the Yellow Springs Food Pantry. Chen's is offering delivery to local homes and businesses in exchange for donations to the pantry. Food and monetary donations will be accepted. Proceeds for dine-in, carry-out and deliveries will go to the pantry.
Volunteers are needed to make the deliveries and collect donations.
For more information or to volunteer, please call Jenny Chen at
767-9999 or Tobi Dawson at 398-4655.
Destination YS
December 17 Weekend
Peach's Grill
Live Music 10 pm
Friday- Sparrow Bellows
Saturday- Achilles Heel
Brother Bear's Cafe
Showing- A Nightmare Before Christmas
Sunrise Cafe
Martini/Tapas Bar 9:30p-2:30a
Live Music at 10 pm
Thursday; DJ 501
Film festival call for submissions
The Yellow Springs Short Film Festival final deadline for submissions is Jan. 7
The Little Art Theatre, a nonprofit single-screen movie house in Yellow Springs, will host the Second Annual Yellow Springs Short Film Festival on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 1 p.m. The program will be repeated on Sunday, February 6 at 1 p.m.
The festival will include short films that showcase the best of local filmmaking talent, from students to professionals to everyone in between and will feature audience choice awards for the most popular films.
We are now accepting submissions of short films for the festival. This year we are limiting submission to finished films only. The early deadline for entry has passed and the final deadline of Friday, January 7, 2011 is fast approaching. The entry fee is $10; entry date to be determined by postmark.
To be considered for entry, the majority of each film must have been shot in one of the following counties: Greene, Montgomery, Clark, Madison, Fayette, Clinton, or Warren. Exceptions may be made if a filmmaker from one of those counties shot their film elsewhere. Films should be no longer than 15 minutes in length. We will allow for a one or two minute leeway to suit the filmmaker’s vision.
To submit a short film, go to which contains the entry form and other submission guidelines. You can also join the festival’s Facebook page for more information and updates:
For more information, entrants may contact Vanessa Query, Festival Director, Little Art Theatre, 247 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Tel. - 937.767.7671; Email - .

The festival will include short films that showcase the best of local filmmaking talent, from students to professionals to everyone in between and will feature audience choice awards for the most popular films.
We are now accepting submissions of short films for the festival. This year we are limiting submission to finished films only. The early deadline for entry has passed and the final deadline of Friday, January 7, 2011 is fast approaching. The entry fee is $10; entry date to be determined by postmark.
To be considered for entry, the majority of each film must have been shot in one of the following counties: Greene, Montgomery, Clark, Madison, Fayette, Clinton, or Warren. Exceptions may be made if a filmmaker from one of those counties shot their film elsewhere. Films should be no longer than 15 minutes in length. We will allow for a one or two minute leeway to suit the filmmaker’s vision.
To submit a short film, go to which contains the entry form and other submission guidelines. You can also join the festival’s Facebook page for more information and updates:
For more information, entrants may contact Vanessa Query, Festival Director, Little Art Theatre, 247 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Tel. - 937.767.7671; Email - .
Thursday, December 16, 2010
MLS Kids deliver big for the food pantry

Blues & Folk Concert at Herndon Saturday
Trina Hamlin & Martine Locke, 8:00-11:00 p.m.
Tickets are $18 pre-show & $20 at the door, sliding scale is available.
Pre-Show & Intermission Wine Tasting!!
Call Erin Cole for more details: 937.360.1105
Trina Hamlin combines gentle understanding with raw emotion in a way that is, quite simply, captivating from the first note.
With a rich, powerful voice, Hamlin reveals a rare confluence of Midwestern innocence, contemplative focus, and raw passion while adding a disarmingly sharp wit in her stage banter. She seamlessly moves from guitar to piano with self accompaniment on harmonica leaving many who have seen her wondering what she can't do.
Regarded as one of the best harmonica players around, she presents a driving, sensuous rhythm in her performance reawakening audiences to the art of the instrument.
Video by Susan Gartner is from August 2009 when Trina Hamlin came to town and performed at the First Presbyterian Church.
Tickets are $18 pre-show & $20 at the door, sliding scale is available.
Pre-Show & Intermission Wine Tasting!!
Call Erin Cole for more details: 937.360.1105
Trina Hamlin combines gentle understanding with raw emotion in a way that is, quite simply, captivating from the first note.
With a rich, powerful voice, Hamlin reveals a rare confluence of Midwestern innocence, contemplative focus, and raw passion while adding a disarmingly sharp wit in her stage banter. She seamlessly moves from guitar to piano with self accompaniment on harmonica leaving many who have seen her wondering what she can't do.
Regarded as one of the best harmonica players around, she presents a driving, sensuous rhythm in her performance reawakening audiences to the art of the instrument.
Video by Susan Gartner is from August 2009 when Trina Hamlin came to town and performed at the First Presbyterian Church.
The Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop
Hosted by Antioch Writers’ Workshop at Books & Co.
Organizers of the well-known and respected Antioch Writers’ Workshop, which holds its annual Workshop every July in Yellow Springs, are teaming up with Books & Co to offer a free Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop each month—starting January 2011—at Books & Co at The Greene.
The January speaker will be Becky Morean—published author and Sinclair Community College instructor—who will address the topic, Freeing the Writer Within. If you write—or would like to start writing—this is the perfect session to kick start your 2011 writing goals! The January Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop will be held January 9, 2011, 2:00-3:30 p.m. You don’t need a reservation, but it would help with planning if you would call in your intention to attend to Books & Co at The Greene at 937.429.6302.
For more information about Antioch Writers’ Workshop or the Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop, visit or email
The Antioch Writers’ Workshop is held in partnership with Antioch University Midwest and with support from the Yellow Springs Community Foundation; Ohio Arts Council; The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation; and WYSO (media sponsor).
Organizers of the well-known and respected Antioch Writers’ Workshop, which holds its annual Workshop every July in Yellow Springs, are teaming up with Books & Co to offer a free Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop each month—starting January 2011—at Books & Co at The Greene.
The January speaker will be Becky Morean—published author and Sinclair Community College instructor—who will address the topic, Freeing the Writer Within. If you write—or would like to start writing—this is the perfect session to kick start your 2011 writing goals! The January Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop will be held January 9, 2011, 2:00-3:30 p.m. You don’t need a reservation, but it would help with planning if you would call in your intention to attend to Books & Co at The Greene at 937.429.6302.
For more information about Antioch Writers’ Workshop or the Second Sunday Free Writers’ Workshop, visit or email
The Antioch Writers’ Workshop is held in partnership with Antioch University Midwest and with support from the Yellow Springs Community Foundation; Ohio Arts Council; The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation; and WYSO (media sponsor).
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Antioch College's Matthew Derr accepts award

CASE V Chair Jeff Liebermann and CASE V Trustee Teresa Exline presented the award to Derr at the CASE District V Conference closing luncheon in Chicago. (Photograph: Liebermann, Derr and Exline)
“Those who came to Antioch’s rescue believed its loss represented something more significant than our individual experiences,” Derr said. “This was not an exercise in nostalgia; it is a cause based firmly on a clearly articulated set of educational and social values.”
Derr was nominated by Aimee Maruyama '96, a graduate of the college who today serves as director of foundation relations/senior major gifts officer; Dr. Scott Warren, an Arthur E. Morgan Fellow and a former professor of philosophy; and Dr. Richard Detweiler, president of the Great Lakes Colleges Association.
CASE District V includes members from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. Executive Leadership awards are an opportunity for CASE – the Council for Advancement and Support of Education – to applaud and promote the work and contributions of top educational executives. The awards recognize the president, chancellor, headmaster or system head of a CASE District V member institution for outstanding leadership and service in support of education.
CASE is an international association of education advancement officers, who include alumni administrators, fund raisers, public relations managers, publications editors, and government relations officers. The ultimate goal of advancement professionals is to enhance their institutions by bringing in support — be it in the form of money, alumni loyalty, public esteem, or new students. In turn, CASE's purpose is to help these people advance the cause of education. It does this by offering information resources and training opportunities to aid its members.
Derr was a member of the Antioch College Alumni Board and served on its Executive Committee. He played a key role in securing Antioch College’s independence and was the chief transition officer prior to his appointment as interim president of the college in the fall of 2009. His term as interim president ends on December 31, 2010. His successor, Mark Roosevelt, assumes the college presidency on January 1.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Third Weekend Fling in the Springs
December 17-19, 2010
Finish up your Holiday shopping at this month’s 3rd Weekend Fling in the Springs beginning Friday. Enjoy free carriage rides. Find unique gifts for everyone on your list at any of our 75 exclusive shops located off the beaten path, and away from the hustle and bustle of the big box stores. In addition to convenient later shopping hours, Dark Star Books will be having a sale, 15% off new books and 20% off new books. Many shops including Asanda and Yellow Springs Pottery, will be providing refreshments and holiday treats to enjoy while you shop; so come make merry with them and find the perfect gifts for the all the people on your list!
Current Cuisine will be open late and serving up their famous Black Bean Nachos. Main Squeeze will be holding free Holiday brewing & cheese-making demonstrations, revealing just how easy it is to do it yourself! Santa’s elves will be downtown, assisting shoppers and toasting marshmallows. Brother Bear’s will be showing “A Nightmare Before Christmas”
For the art lovers on your list, there will be several gallery openings and sales including “would you, could you” In A Frame featuring Paula Womacks, at 113 Corry, The Village Artisans gallery at 100 Corry and The Eddie Eckenrode Gallery at 232 Xenia Ave.
In addition, Yellow Springs Montessori will be offering babysitting from 6-9 at the 1st Presbyterian Church for a suggested donation of $10 per child. Reservations are requested, but not required by calling 937-319-6148.
After an evening of Shopping and Gallery Hopping, Ye Old Trail Tavern will feature DJ Clean Gene and Sunrise Café will be serving one of a kind Martinis as well as offering items from their tapas menu. Peach’s Grill will feature live entertainment in a friendly atmosphere; both Peach’s and Sunrise are open until 2:30 am.
Saturday will be filled with holiday fun for the entire family at Kings Yard there will be Reindeer Games and a “Best Elf Costume” Contest. The Yellow Springs Brass band will be performing throughout downtown starting at 11:30.
The 3rd Weekend Fling begins December 17th and encompasses all of downtown Yellow Springs. So come shop, eat, and relax off the beaten path!
For more information, please contact the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce at 937-767-2686 or visit

Current Cuisine will be open late and serving up their famous Black Bean Nachos. Main Squeeze will be holding free Holiday brewing & cheese-making demonstrations, revealing just how easy it is to do it yourself! Santa’s elves will be downtown, assisting shoppers and toasting marshmallows. Brother Bear’s will be showing “A Nightmare Before Christmas”
For the art lovers on your list, there will be several gallery openings and sales including “would you, could you” In A Frame featuring Paula Womacks, at 113 Corry, The Village Artisans gallery at 100 Corry and The Eddie Eckenrode Gallery at 232 Xenia Ave.
In addition, Yellow Springs Montessori will be offering babysitting from 6-9 at the 1st Presbyterian Church for a suggested donation of $10 per child. Reservations are requested, but not required by calling 937-319-6148.
After an evening of Shopping and Gallery Hopping, Ye Old Trail Tavern will feature DJ Clean Gene and Sunrise Café will be serving one of a kind Martinis as well as offering items from their tapas menu. Peach’s Grill will feature live entertainment in a friendly atmosphere; both Peach’s and Sunrise are open until 2:30 am.
Saturday will be filled with holiday fun for the entire family at Kings Yard there will be Reindeer Games and a “Best Elf Costume” Contest. The Yellow Springs Brass band will be performing throughout downtown starting at 11:30.
The 3rd Weekend Fling begins December 17th and encompasses all of downtown Yellow Springs. So come shop, eat, and relax off the beaten path!
For more information, please contact the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce at 937-767-2686 or visit
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nonstop Gala Fundraiser
Performances, music, cooking demos
Saturday, Dec. 18, 7:00-11:30 p.m. at the Nonstop Institute
Nonstop Institute’s holiday Gala fundraiser on Saturday, December 18 starting at 7 PM will feature performances, music and artful cooking demos. Shuffle by actress/writer Louise Smith will present random contents of the performer’s psyche responding to a prescribed playlist with audience as director and witness. A performance that meditates on uniforms and uniformity by Cuban-born multimedia artist Juansi Gonzalez will feature elements from his America at Home installation and has been described as a “therapy of confrontation.” Dancer/Choreographer Jill Becker will perform Indictment, a tribute to Iraqi women who have lived for a generation with economic embargo and war. Artists/Chefs Michael Casselli (YS) & Raul Enriquez (NYC) will team up via skype to tempt the audience with Burrito Mambo, a mouth watering performance with a delicious payoff. And the experimental rock ensemble Kuan will perform. Donations requested.
Saturday, Dec. 18, 7:00-11:30 p.m. at the Nonstop Institute
Old Resolutions

The end of the year usually leads to some reminiscing about the “good old days” – holidays with the family, fun times, missed opportunities and maybe some sad memories. It’s also a time to look to the future, believing that new opportunities are coming and perhaps we can do better in the New Year.
As a child I can remember talking about New Year’s resolutions with my folks. They usually had suggestions like cleaning my room, taking care of the dog, eating everything on my plate and getting better grades in school. Getting better grades in school hung around for a long time – actually until I got out of school. Mom always thought she should try some new cooking ideas (she was right about that one), learn to sew and save money on everything we bought.
Most of all, I remember my dad starting the new year by tossing out a couple of cartons of cigarettes and declaring an end to smoking, “This time for sure!” Mom would be happy for a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, but I don’t think dad ever made it through January. They finally reached a compromise the year dad resolved to never smoke in the house again. He stuck to that one until he died – smoking,
I’ve been looking for my list of 2010 New Year’s resolutions – it’s a good place to start for 2011. In my family rolling over the same resolutions year after year limited the disappointments to a finite number and kept you from being overwhelmed. I always like to check the old list just to see if anything should be crossed off. There’s really no reason to add a bunch of new things when the old resolutions are still perfectly acceptable – eat better, exercise more, be nice to people, get a physical, give a little back when you can, and stop to smell the flowers.
And just in case dad happens to be watching, I’m leaving “no smoking” on the list again this year.
A. Reader
Winter Farmer's Market in business again this year

Rex “the egg man” (wasn’t that in a Beatles song?) is ready to move inside – he’ll be back as one of the regulars when the market opens in Jan.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Yellow Springs Community Band Concert
Back Story: A dingo is our baby

Our last Petsmart foray was a week ago Saturday, and there were three or four 12-week-old pups we liked, all spayed or neutered and with all their shots. One little fellow in particular caught my eye. We decided to be smart and think about it over night. But it seemed like we had already made up our minds. Amy kept reminding me how having Granddog over for a week had provided me with so much healthy exercise. And on Sunday, she pushed for an early trip to the Caesar’s Creek Flea Market for some inexpensive dog supplies. It seemed like a done deal. I was just concerned that the puppy I liked would be gone by the time we finished in Caesar’s Creek and made it over to the Petsmart at Beavercreek.
On the way to the flea market, Amy reminded me that there are often booths with people selling puppies. I told her, I was not in favor of buying a dog at the flea market for a number of reasons, including the fact that we would probably have to take care of all the shots and the spaying or neutering. I’m sure you can see where this is going. As one fellow told me upon hearing this story, “Cute always wins out.”
Before we even made it to the cheap pet supply store, we came upon some folks who were selling purebred puppies. In one cage were two sleeping fuzz balls.
“Oooh, so cute,” Amy squealed.
And that is how we came to be owned by an eight-week-old Red Heeler Australian Cattle Dog we call Suki. This is not exactly the dog I had in mind for hanging out on the bench in front of Tom’s Market. By the time the weather is good enough for that, she will be about six months and nipping at the heels of passers-by and ready to protect me from any dog that happens along. A little quick research after we got home and I learned that that the breed was originally started by breeding the Australian Dingo with a variety of sheep dogs.
Dingos...? Aren’t they wild dogs..? Indeed. This little bugger growls and snarls and nips our toes. My hands are covered with marks from where she has clamped down with her sharp little teeth. She is smart and athletic. She can escape from just about any enclosure we can devise. She can already jump several inches in the air. But she is our little Dingo and we will manage. First in order of business will be obedience classes. After that there will be lots of long walks to wear her out.
Actually, it’s not all that bad. She sleeps a lot; sometimes in my lap.
Winter weather advisory - closures
The National Weather Service's winter advisory for our area, which went into effect at 7 a.m., seems well-advised. Looking out my window at 8:30 this morning, I cannot imagine how any of my planned activities for today are still going to happen, but I haven't heard anything yet.
If you have an activity scheduled for today and it is canceled, please let me know and I will post it. I will check my email regularly or you can call me at 7048.
Check in here for the latest.
If you have an activity scheduled for today and it is canceled, please let me know and I will post it. I will check my email regularly or you can call me at 7048.
Check in here for the latest.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A former local woman's scientific discovery

According to the Macalester College News, Louisa Bradtmiller, daughter of Bruce Bradtmiller and Carol Cottom, is the lead author of a paper that presents evidence from 10 equatorial Pacific Ocean sediment cores showing that the glacial equatorial Pacific Ocean likely stored more carbon during the last glacial period than the Holocene.
Macalester College News: Macalester Professor Discovers CO2 Stored in Deep Pacific During Ice Age
Friday, December 10, 2010
Destination YS

This Weekend in Yellow Springs:
'An Art lovers Weekend'-
Give the gift of art for the Holidays!
December 10
Miami Valley Pottery Wine & Cheese Open House
6-9 pm; 145 E. Hyde Rd.
Give the Gift of Art. Come see our latest collection of pots
from our fall firing with the theme of PROVENANCE.
Handmade Wood-fired decorative & functional pottery,
microwave, dishwasher, oven-safe. Call 767-7517.
Click here for website.
December 11
YS Federal Credit Union Open House
9-11:30 am; 217 Xenia Ave.
Enjoy hot chocolate and donuts! Everyone is welcome.
Hawley Wood Works Holiday Open House and Gift Sale
10am-5pm at 305d Walnut St.
Enjoy winter treats, warm winter beverages and purchase one of a kind gifts!
December 11 & 12
John Bryan Community Holiday Pottery Sale
11 am - 5 pm; 100 Dayton St.
Affordable pottery from the artists at this community
cooperative. Located in the Penguin Building behind
the Bryan Community Center. 767-9022 for more info.
December 12
Yellow Springs Community Band Concert
3pm; Mills Lawn Gym.
December 10 Weekend
Peach's Grill
Live Music 10 pm
Friday- Northern Skies
Saturday- Big Gil and his Funky All-Stars
Brother Bear's Cafe
Open Mic- Friday 7-9:30
Sunrise Cafe
Martini/Tapas Bar 9:30p-2:30a
Live Music at 10 pm
Thursday; DJ 501
Arts Council Gallery Hours

Video by Susan Gartner is from the artists' Opening Reception on Friday, November 19. Entertainment included belly dancing by Erin Wolf and Cami Knight and music by Rachel Mousie.
Local man on radio in New York
Local author Ralph Keyes will be on the Brian Lehrer Show in New York City on Wednesday to talk about his new book, Euphemania: Our Love Affair with Euphemisms (Little, Brown). Lehrer is a radio talk show host on New York City's public radio station WNYC. His daily two-hour program, "The Brian Lehrer Show," features interviews with newsmakers and experts about current events and social issues. Lehrer was formerly an anchor and reporter for NBC Radio Networks, and has been in broadcast journalism for more than 20 years.
The book comes out on Dec. 14. According to Keyes, the Wall Street Journal is planning to run a feature about Euphemania this Saturday. Keyes will be on "Talk of the Nation" on NPR on the 14th.
The book comes out on Dec. 14. According to Keyes, the Wall Street Journal is planning to run a feature about Euphemania this Saturday. Keyes will be on "Talk of the Nation" on NPR on the 14th.
A long ride for a friend
Carl Bradtmiller, son of Bruce Bradtmiller and Carol Cottom, is currently on a 26 day, 1200 mile bicycle trip to raise money for a friend, Jake Rucker, who has colon cancer. During his solo ride from Austin, TX to Gainesville, FL he is offering bike tune-ups and repairs and information about traveling by bicycle in exchange for donations to an assistance fund for Jake. When Jake was diagnosed with cancer he returned to Florida to be with his parents during treatment, and that inspired the route for this journey. Carl conceived the "Rollin' for the Colon" tour to link Jake’s friends in Texas with his friends and family in Florida.
Carl is an avid bicyclist and a good bike mechanic. He took an 1100 mile solo bike trip three years ago and said that someday he would like to take another long ride. This trip began November 30 in Austin with a send off party at a local bicycle shop. He expects to arrive in Gainesville on Christmas Day and spend a few days with Jake and friends before flying to Ohio and then returning to Texas.
To see a schedule of Carl’s route, read his trip blog, and learn how to donate, go to:, or be in touch at
Carl is an avid bicyclist and a good bike mechanic. He took an 1100 mile solo bike trip three years ago and said that someday he would like to take another long ride. This trip began November 30 in Austin with a send off party at a local bicycle shop. He expects to arrive in Gainesville on Christmas Day and spend a few days with Jake and friends before flying to Ohio and then returning to Texas.
To see a schedule of Carl’s route, read his trip blog, and learn how to donate, go to:, or be in touch at
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Email hacker warning!
A local woman's email account was hacked today, resulting in messages being sent to email addresses in her contacts list. The hacker who hijacked her email is trying to get people to send money, because she and her husband are allegedly stuck in London after having been mugged and left without cash or credit cards.
If you get such an email, it is best not to reply in any way, as they might be able to hack into your account, too. And, whatever you do, do not send money without independently verifying the situation.
If you get such an email, it is best not to reply in any way, as they might be able to hack into your account, too. And, whatever you do, do not send money without independently verifying the situation.
YS Brass! sidewalk concert Saturday

YS Brass! members are Bruce Heckman, Dave Vrooman, Steve Vrooman, Robert Love, and Dave Triplett.
The group will also perform at Friends Care Community on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 6:30 p.m. The performance will be part concert and part sing-along. All are welcome to attend.
Video by Susan Gartner
YS Flour and Sugar program gets media attention

Since 1894 widows have received ten pounds of flour and ten pounds of sugar courtesy of ex slave Wheeling Gaunt. WDTN has a nice video report on their Website.
WDTN-TV: Top Stories - Flour and Sugar for Widows
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Home for the holidays

The Roosevelts have purchased a house on Hyde

Roosevelt officially takes his post on Jan. 1, 2011.
Nonstop Gala Fundraiser
Performances, music, cooking demos
Saturday, Dec. 18, 7:00-11:30 p.m. at the Nonstop Institute
Donations Requested
Nonstop Institute’s holiday Gala fundraiser will feature performances, music and artful cooking demos. Shuffle by actress/writer Louise Smith will present random contents of the performer’s psyche responding to a prescribed playlist with audience as director and witness. Cuban-born multimedia artist Juansi Gonzalez’s In the name of God: Odios, Oh Dios! Odium, Oh to Him! meditates on uniforms and uniformity and has been described as a “therapy of confrontation.” Dancer Jill Becker will perform Indictment, a tribute to Iraqi women who have lived for a generation with economic embargo and war. Chefs Raul Enriquez (NYC) and Michael Casselli (YS) will team up via skype to tempt the audience with Burrito Mambo, a mouth watering performance with a delicious payoff.
Saturday, Dec. 18, 7:00-11:30 p.m. at the Nonstop Institute
Donations Requested
Nonstop Institute’s holiday Gala fundraiser will feature performances, music and artful cooking demos. Shuffle by actress/writer Louise Smith will present random contents of the performer’s psyche responding to a prescribed playlist with audience as director and witness. Cuban-born multimedia artist Juansi Gonzalez’s In the name of God: Odios, Oh Dios! Odium, Oh to Him! meditates on uniforms and uniformity and has been described as a “therapy of confrontation.” Dancer Jill Becker will perform Indictment, a tribute to Iraqi women who have lived for a generation with economic embargo and war. Chefs Raul Enriquez (NYC) and Michael Casselli (YS) will team up via skype to tempt the audience with Burrito Mambo, a mouth watering performance with a delicious payoff.
Sweet Betsy to perform at Clifton Winterfest
Clifton Opera House, Saturday
Join us on Saturday, Dec 11th at 5:30 p.m. Sweet Betsy will perform their on blend of Americana, folk, and acoustic music. Shop at the indoor group event, dine in the cafe and spend the afternoon in Clifton.
Come early and visit Santa from Noon - 2pm on Saturday. Have your photo taken with the Stewart Heritage Farm Alpacas! Make a day of it in Clifton. The Winterfest shops are located at 41 North Street, Clifton at the intersection of SR343 & SR72. Call 937)681-9491 for information or

Come early and visit Santa from Noon - 2pm on Saturday. Have your photo taken with the Stewart Heritage Farm Alpacas! Make a day of it in Clifton. The Winterfest shops are located at 41 North Street, Clifton at the intersection of SR343 & SR72. Call 937)681-9491 for information or
"Stonewall Uprising" to screen at Little Art
Thursday at 7:00 p.m. the Yellow Springs premier
STONEWALL UPRISING! Kate David and David Heilbroner, 2010
This critically-acclaimed new documentary recounts the dramatic and inspiring events of June 1969, which marked the turning point in the gay rights movement in the U.S. Don't miss it!
This is the final film in our series, "Outing the Past: Witnessing the Struggle for GLBT Rights."
--the Morgan Fellows at Antioch College
STONEWALL UPRISING! Kate David and David Heilbroner, 2010
This critically-acclaimed new documentary recounts the dramatic and inspiring events of June 1969, which marked the turning point in the gay rights movement in the U.S. Don't miss it!
This is the final film in our series, "Outing the Past: Witnessing the Struggle for GLBT Rights."
--the Morgan Fellows at Antioch College
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Local woman gets jail time in theft case

Yellow Springs business owner Elizabeth Stardancer pleaded guilty to one felony count of theft from an elderly person back in October. Yesterday, she was sentenced to six months in the county jail and five years probation with restitution, according to a report in the Xenia Daily Gazette. Stardancer is the owner of Dragon Tree Tattoo and Gifts at the corner of Corry Street and Xenia Avenue. She was originally accused of stealing over $70,000 from an elderly Enon man.
Xenia Daily Gazette: Stardancer gets 6 months for theft from the elderly
Tonight at Nonstop
Kapo (1959, 117 min) by Gillo Pontecorvo, Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m.
Part of the Contradictions: Screening/Workshop – with Bob Devine and Chris Hill
In this film about survival in a Nazi concentration camp, Pontecorvo focuses on “kapos,” those prisoners who, as wardens, had the role of keeping their fellow prisoners in order, thereby saving their own lives. Susan Strasberg received international awards for her lead role as a young Jewish woman in this film, described as “a philosophical examination of the impossible choice between survival and dehumanization on the one hand, and altruism and self-sacrifice on the other.” The film is notable for being one of the earliest post-war to depict life inside the camps. Pontecorvo, an Italian Jew, joined the Italian Communist Party in 1941, and was a leader of the underground Resistance in Milan from 1943-45.
* Place: Nonstop Institute
* Cost: Pay-as-you-can
Part of the Contradictions: Screening/Workshop – with Bob Devine and Chris Hill
In this film about survival in a Nazi concentration camp, Pontecorvo focuses on “kapos,” those prisoners who, as wardens, had the role of keeping their fellow prisoners in order, thereby saving their own lives. Susan Strasberg received international awards for her lead role as a young Jewish woman in this film, described as “a philosophical examination of the impossible choice between survival and dehumanization on the one hand, and altruism and self-sacrifice on the other.” The film is notable for being one of the earliest post-war to depict life inside the camps. Pontecorvo, an Italian Jew, joined the Italian Communist Party in 1941, and was a leader of the underground Resistance in Milan from 1943-45.
* Place: Nonstop Institute
* Cost: Pay-as-you-can
Yellow Springs Community Band Holiday Concert
Miami Valley Pottery Wine & Cheese Open House
145 E. Hyde Rd., Dec. 10, 2010,6-9 pm
Miami Valley Pottery will host a Wine & Cheese Open House on Friday, December 10 from 6-9 pm. Naysan McIlhargey and his wife Jalana Lazar will open their beautiful studio for a special showing of their newest kiln firing entitled Provenance, an homage to our predecessors. The pots from their latest firing are re-imagined from ancient craftsman from China , Korea , Japan , Vietnam , Iran and many other cultures. The handmade wood-fired decorative & functional pottery is microwave, dishwasher and oven-safe; a perfect Holiday gift. Miami Valley Pottery is located at 145 E. Hyde Road , on the southern edge of Yellow Springs. If you have any questions, call the Yellow Springs Chamber at 937.767.2686.
Miami Valley Pottery will host a Wine & Cheese Open House on Friday, December 10 from 6-9 pm. Naysan McIlhargey and his wife Jalana Lazar will open their beautiful studio for a special showing of their newest kiln firing entitled Provenance, an homage to our predecessors. The pots from their latest firing are re-imagined from ancient craftsman from China , Korea , Japan , Vietnam , Iran and many other cultures. The handmade wood-fired decorative & functional pottery is microwave, dishwasher and oven-safe; a perfect Holiday gift. Miami Valley Pottery is located at 145 E. Hyde Road , on the southern edge of Yellow Springs. If you have any questions, call the Yellow Springs Chamber at 937.767.2686.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday Open House at Hawley Wood Works
Tom Hawley making a walnut bowl of wood harvested from a tree cut down near the Antioch School.
Hawley Wood Works invites the community to a holiday open house and gift sale, Saturday, December 11, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Wood artist Tom Hawley will be turning bowls on his lathe throughout the day. Hand-turned bowls will be available for purchase, made from black walnut, blue magnolia, Osage orange, catalpa, Bradford pear, and cherry wood. Unique sculptural clocks and other artworks will also be for sale and holiday treats and warm winter beverages will be on hand (it’s cold in the workshop, so bundle up!).
Hawley Wood Works is located at the Millworks Business Center, 305D Walnut Street in Yellow Springs. Visit for directions.
Season's Joy photos

Thanks to all the volunteers and performers, especially coordinator Mary Kay Clark and emcee Walter Rhodes, for their contributions to a very fun event!
Photos by Susan Gartner
Click here for more photos from Season's Joy.
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