"It was the latest in a series of minor quakes in the area in 2011, MSNBC reported. "Many have struck near an injection well used to dispose of brine water that's a byproduct of oil and gas drilling." According to the report the owner has agreed to stop while the quakes are investigated.
MSNBC: 4.0 earthquake strikes in northeast Ohio
"The Ohio Department of Natural Resources announced the agreement with Northstar Disposal Services LLC on Friday, saying that the wastewater injections were halted as a precaution so that any potential links with earthquakes can be further assessed," the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette reported.
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Brine disposal at injection well halted
Look on the bright side—maybe the earthquakes will make the hydraulic fracturing unnecessary.
Be vigilant, Miami Township! The "fracking" companies are most likely to be simply biding their time. We need to steadfastly oppose all leases for hydraulic fracturing under the surface of the earth of every single piece of land ("property") in the township--and in Greene County! The possibilities for poisoning of our water are real. It's not "property value" that needs protection first. It's REAL value of health, integrity of minds and hearts, incorruptibility. Forget money. You can't drink it, eat it, or breathe it. Find out about King Midas. --Ellen Duell
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