Monday, March 9, 2009

On springing forward: Be careful

I have read somewhere (more than once) that on the Monday morning after we set our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time, the rate of automobile accidents shoots up. No surprise there. Out here in the far western end of the Eastern Time Zone, it is still dark at 7:00 a.m. on that first day after the change. But the darkness is obviously not the reason. We are simply tired.

I can tell if I am exhausted when I arise, because I get out of my routine – making coffee, brushing teeth, showering, shaving, all occur in the wrong order. When I got up this morning, I did last night's dishes and started a load of laundry, before I made the coffee.

Fortunately, I am not commuting to a job. To those of you who are: be careful. This from a guy who slammed his ring finger in a door yesterday and receives a sharp reminder every time he hits the "S" key as he is typing this.

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