Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tea for who?

“We’re having a tea party Sunday afternoon, we hope you can join us.”

Remember when “tea party” brought back memories of children having fun playing with friends around a small table sipping make believe tea from tiny cups and saucers? Or perhaps “tea party” conjures up images of Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot sitting in the lobby of a fancy hotel daintily sipping tea while trying to unravel their latest mystery. And I’m sure many of your have read stories or traveled to places like England, India, Japan or Botswana (to name just a few) where taking tea with friends is one of life’s great pleasures. Ahh those were the good ol’ days.

Of all the party names we know (Amway Party, Tupperware Party, Bachelor Party, Super Bowl Party, Beer Party, Office Party, Graduation Party, Dance Party, etc.), why did the current political protest have to pick “tea party.” I know it’s supposed to somehow be related to the Boston Tea Party and taxation without representation, but don’t we all have representation now? We may not like what our representatives do in all cases, but the majority of voting folks did elect them to serve – I think that has something to do with the democratic process.

I don’t want to argue the politics of the current media frenzy; I just want them to change the name so we can return “tea party” to its rightful place in our lexicon. Maybe we can try the AMWAY Party – Always Mad With All of You. Or perhaps the BEER Party – Better Even if Everyone Revolts.

Would you please pass the biscuits?

A. Reader

P.S. Click here for instructions on how to have a real tea party.

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

I know I am quite perturbed about it. I suggested to a pal I give a tea party and then realized I might attract the wrong crowd YIKES.
Yes, will have a biccy thanks, and milk and suger with my tea please.