Friday, October 10, 2008

High School Musical III

Picture this:

On day two of his presidency John McCain drops dead of a heart attack. Seconds after being sworn in as his successor, Sarah Palin is suddenly the loneliest person in the world. A true outsider, she doesn't have a friend in Washington. Everywhere she looks, shadowy figures, both Democratic and Republican, are plotting to seize power.

What does she do? - Well, by golly, I'll betcha she does what she has always done - what she did when she was elected Mayor of Wassilla and Governor of Alaska. She gets on the horn to Wassilla and beckons her high school pals to join her in Washington. Remember that fella who loved cows? Well, he can be Secretary of Agriculture, again. The captain of the hockey team? - Secretary of Defense!

Country first? Thanks, John, you cynical old bastard.

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