"It’s like riding a bike…you never forget.” We often take for granted even the most seemingly simple of tasks, like pedaling a bike down the driveway. Riding a bike, walking, running, and even household chores and speech are a daily struggle for the 1 - 1.5 million Americans currently battling Parkinson’s disease. That’s why I am going to get moving in the fight against this debilitating condition by taking part in the Sunflower Revolution bicycle tour, walk and run on September 12, 2010. I hope that you will consider making a pledge to support me, and my friend Kim Korkan, and at the same time make a difference to thousands of others.

Parkinson’s disease is a serious movement disorder that can affect people in all walks of life. Since 2004, the Sunflower Revolution has funded research that is helping people to live better, and move better, all conducted at the UC Neuroscience Institute at University Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. The research has helped patients to move better through Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, helped them to live better as the link between Parkinson’s disease and depression is understood, and has also helped diagnose patients earlier, by exploring the role that toxins may play in the onset of the disease.
With the support provided by the Sunflower Revolution VII, this cutting-edge research and support of patient wellness can continue to find solutions for those struggling with Parkinson’s disease. Please join me, along with the patients, families, researchers and physicians who have all come together for this great cause.

Visit my personal webpage and to help me support the Sunflower Revolution. On this secure website, you will find information about registration, pledging and the many fun activities that are planned for the Sunflower Revolution weekend. I hope that you will join me as we seek to win the race against Parkinson’s disease!
I Ride for Team Yellow Springs in honor of Kim Korkan & The Winds Cafe! Ride On!
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support University Hospital
Henry Smith-Heston
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