Friday, May 8, 2009

Police cars, fire engines, ambulances, helicopters descend on YSHS

If you caught some of the action up at the high school yesterday afternoon, you might have been concerned. Relax! It was only a pre-prom crash exercise, one of those annual pep-talks to try to keep our kids safe on prom night.

And by-the-way, the teachers, administration and parents all desrve kudos for their efforts in this department. Keeping the kids in town by hosting the prom at an [almost] local venue (see comments) and having a post prom party at Pass It On Kids on Dayton Street are great ideas. The prom is Saturday night. It's a relief to know that our teenagers will not be driving late at night on some shoulderless two-lane blacktop out in the cornfields.


Anonymous said...

This Years Prom is NOT being held Locally. It is being held in Springfield, at the "Ohio Masonic Temple" it's not in Yellow Springs. (just fyi)

~from a prom parent.

Virgil Hervey said...

Ooops... I guess I was thinking it was at the Glen Building again this year. Thanks for the correction. It's good to know people are paying attention.